Hawkman Helmet WIP


Active Member
Hello all, haven't posted in a long time, so hope everyone is doing well.

Recently started working on a Hawkman helmet, and trying to do a different version other than the ones I've seen are the most common. I personally love the helmet as its shown in the comics to look as if it had a Greek or Roman design, and with some sculpted feather detail in it. With so many different artists that have done Hawkman at DC Comics, everyone does it alittle differently, so, here's my take.

Haven't done the wings yet, but they will be somewhat flat (but not literally) against the helmet, and not flayed out like actual wings. In the back I'm planning to have a sculpted form come up to attach the wings, sorta like a tail. hard to describe it from my mind to you so I guess you'll have to wait!





The clay is Klean Klay. It's a rather soft oil clay. The only reason I use it, is because I have ALOT (almost 200 lbs) from college, so it beats buying better stuff, but it does have its limitations as well. I've collected various references for this guy, but he's mostly a 'personal' version based on a few comics I've seen of it. I went with a sort of ancient Greek/Roman route for the design of the helmet itself, and went from there.
Very nice!!!

Not sure I like the mutton-chops, but they may look pretty good once the wings are attached.

Looking forward to seeing this completed! :thumbsup
VERY nice! I too don't like the mutton chops, too thick, maybe go with an elaborate strap system?....i'll shut up now....
The reason the 'mutton chops' are so thick, is so that when I bring this to the molding and casting stage, I have no undercuts. The line cut into the sides of it is how thick it will actually be. It's mostly just a time saver.
Good morning everyone!

Finally finished the wings! I wanted to stay in the same stylized version that I was going with the helmet, so I avoided going too realistic or too simplified. I think it will go well with the helmet, so after several passes of turpenoid to smooth the sculpt down, I'm about to start the mold for them, and the helmet as well!

Hope to show you all a casted copy in a few days!


Looks great! I really like what your going for, your lines all intersect and the feather motif is a nice touch. My favorite part is the profile, the historical ref. to Roman helmets is really smart. Are you going to hinge the jaw panel ? It would be a great way to explain how it stay on his head during a fight. My only personal feeling is the beak is little big, but that is just me. Looking forward to it be completed!!
Thanks guys!

Lab604, I'm not too sure what you mean about hinging the jaw, as the side panels are meant to lay flat, like most versions of his helmet do. Since Hawkman doesn't generally have any straps, or even hinges, on his helmet (though, it DOES bring up a good point of how it stays on well) I was going that route as well. As for the beak, I was looking at alot of versions of the helmet, both prop and comics, and thought I was going to go for a medium range in terms of length and width.
nice. I have wanted a helmet for along time. The ones out there all seem off to me. This is a great approach! Looks like a helmet he would wear. Not sure about the wings. They always seem too "flat" to me. I always seem to think they need a bit more dimension to them like the rest of the helmet. BUT...urs is looking great ,. cant wait to see. Hope u offer for a bighead like me!
I really love the feathers on the head. It's such a good idea, I'm surprised it hasn't been done before (or has it?)
me likey....love the hawkman helmet from smallville...this one looks sweeter !..can't wait to see it cast...(or maybe several casts?!)
The reason the 'mutton chops' are so thick, is so that when I bring this to the molding and casting stage, I have no undercuts. The line cut into the sides of it is how thick it will actually be. It's mostly just a time saver.

Gotcha, should have spotted that....

Progress is looking very nice indeed!
