"HATRED" - A new game sure to REALLY rub people a wrong way...

what does that have to do with anything? Graphics or animations dont' make a game good. Everyone loves FTL and Minecraft and those are crappy 90's 8bit graphics. Destiny has fantastic graphics and getting panned because the story sucks\non-existent.

This is just another bad game in a line of bad games that get released every year that people will forget out.
what does that have to do with anything? Graphics or animations dont' make a game good. Everyone loves FTL and Minecraft and those are crappy 90's 8bit graphics. Destiny has fantastic graphics and getting panned because the story sucks\non-existent.
Let me put it this way.

There's nothing about that trailer that makes the game look non-s**tty.
The Springtime for Hitler effect?

Aim to offend everyone, becomes a satire by accident.

I mean it was so over the top and unrealistic I couldn't help but laugh, that's just what I got from it anyway.
:unsure I guess I just don't get offended by much....Just another simple, lame ass game. If it were realistic looking then it would be fun! :p
what does that have to do with anything? Graphics or animations dont' make a game good. Everyone loves FTL and Minecraft and those are crappy 90's 8bit graphics. Destiny has fantastic graphics and getting panned because the story sucks\non-existent.

This is just another bad game in a line of bad games that get released every year that people will forget out.

No, you are right. It is not about having the best graphics. It is about knowing what you can do and making the best of or in some cases turning back the clock to create your feel. The use of graphics in the trailer scream the fact the developers didn't think much about the store front. From that we can safely guess the story
will not develop past the initial premise and what you see is what you get.

I don't know what FTL is, I'm not a gamer in anyway shape or from but Minecraft is a prefect example of the opposite of this game. The 8bit they use is very well done trend. They captured a zeitgeist of design and the premise follow that simplicity perfectly. It works exactly the same with movies. I'lll watch plenty a B grade before many a summer blockbuster.

This games, as Michael hinted at, is pleading for bad press. That is their marking strategy. It would be cleaver if it wasn't so transparently tacky.
Shooting a gun in a game is nothing like doing it in real life. A person chooses to do harm and to kill. A media outlet is not the deciding factor. The problem is that we as flawed humans always look for a "reason" and this is an easy cop out, when in reality WE ARE THE REASON. Some people are born broken.. When we can accept that, we'll move on.
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