Master Member
I don't know if anyone has been following what's been going on at Toy Fair this year but Hasbro was showing off their new Ultimate FX line of lightsabers. Not too much has been released about them except that they'll be smaller than the regular FX sabers, made of plastic (presumably they're referring to the hilt), have the light and sound effects of a regular FX, and the best part is that they'll be retailing for only $35. They probably won't satisfy most RPFers but they'd great for kids, maybe adult costumers on a budget, but they'd definitely be great for fans of custom sabers wanting sounds for their sabers; now you don't have to $100+ for an FX just for the soundboard. Hopefully, with these new Ultimate FX sabers the custom saber shops will be able to offer FX soundcard equipped sabers for much less now.
Star Wars Ultimate FX Lightsabers [Toy Fair 2011] | Kid's Tech Toy Reviews
Star Wars Ultimate FX Lightsabers [Toy Fair 2011] | Kid's Tech Toy Reviews