Hasbro Boba Fett toy helmet guest appearance


Well-Known Member
This was recently given to me as a gag gift -- implying that I didn't need anything else and could be done with it already :lol. Forgive me if it was already discussed (maybe this is already posted on TDH?), but I couldn't help but notice the fan-made suit on the packaging.

Ok, so who is it? My first guess is Webchief (don't have the photo in front of me, so I'm guessing from memory). Maybe Art took the photo?

Thanks, man, but there are many here who have far surpassed any skill I have. Anything good I have shot primarily came from really good and passionate subjects who were willing to hold really awkward poses for long amounts of time.

Thank you for the compliment!

It has been fun to watch several of my pieces end up here or there throughout the Star Wars world.
We came up for photoshoots on two different occasions back when we were traveling the country and doing costume shoots. However, I believe Boston now has its own very adept costume photographer so we haven't been back in quite some time. Wouldn't mind getting back up that way just for fun though! There is no garrison quite as "unique" as the NEG.
Thats awesome Art! Always great to see something like this come from our community :) Always loved your work, especially on Graeme Ring's stuff :)
When I saw that package in the store, I immediately picked it up because of that Fett picture. Hasbro owes you a nod.
i picked it up because i thought the helmet might be cool. when i saw it was ahalf helmet, i put it down.

its totally awesome they used your pic though. but, also, not cool for them either.
i picked it up because i thought the helmet might be cool. when i saw it was ahalf helmet, i put it down.

its totally awesome they used your pic though. but, also, not cool for them either.

It's not a 1/2 helmet- the kid assembles it into a complete helmet to wear- the rest of it is tucked inside the front. I am considering mounting only the front 1/2 to my wall to make a Fett display though. It looks good for that.
I wonder how hard it would be to raise the (I'm gonna call em cheeks) on the helmet so it would better match the Film version.
That canyon of a visor on the thing is whats holding me back.
So, I was doing a search on Google Images for Boba Fett and Art's comparison photo came up and led me to this old thread.

Yes, that's me... the long and short of it is that SW artist, Steve Anderson contacted me and asked if he could use some photos of me in costume for some artwork he was doing for some posters and SW packaging. Pics of me in my costume are now on that toy helmet as well as two or three posters that Steve sells. Photos from Art Andrews and Bill Hicks (local photographer in the NEG) were used.

Thanks for the kudos guys! It's pretty surreal to walk into a store and say... "Hey, that's me!"