Has anyone made any stunt dummies before?

moff man

Well-Known Member
I landed a new gig as prop master and artist for a movie being shot here in Michigan ( the new Hollywood according to Clint Eastwood). We are in need of 3 or 4 moveable stunt dummies and figure I could make them easy enough, just thought i would test the waters here first, since you guys are the greatest bunch I know. Has anyone made one before and or is there an outlet for affordable units?

The Movie is called " Pulp Zombies" Action comedy horror
The Movie is called " Pulp Zombies" Action comedy horror

"Check out the brain leaking out of Brad!"

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Good luck with your film. I'm a huge fan of badly made Zombie movies, so hopefully if it works out good for you, I'll never see your movie.
"Check out the brain leaking out of Brad!"

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Good luck with your film. I'm a huge fan of badly made Zombie movies, so hopefully if it works out good for you, I'll never see your movie.