Has anyone made a really accurate Gandalf the White Staff?


Well-Known Member
I have been staring at my UC GtW staff ever since I got it months ago, and always was bothered by the inaccuracy of the crown section. (pic by Creativemarko of The Shadow and Flame)


Very narrow crown, and it lacks the flair of the original. The spacing of the lattices is different, the recurve of the three petals at the top is almost absent, and it just generally doesn't look very wizardly compared to the real thing.


Just wanted to know if anyone had tackled an accurate GtW staff- it's such a beautiful piece, and even more beautiful when it's accurate to the prop. I lack the sculpting skills to tackle anything remotely like this, so I guess I'm hoping to live vicariously through someone who has :lol
I have built one for myself to costume with, but while mine might be more accurate to the real thing than UC's replica in some ways, I did not manage to build it entirely straight. It is packed down in the basement right now, so I can't take any pics, sorry.

In some scenes, you can see wood grain in the stalks that go up into the crown. This leads me to believe that that particular prop was hand-made. There is often more of one instance of a prop being made, and there are most often larger or smaller differences between each prop, especially if they are hand-made. Official licensees often get to see only one of these props, and it is not always the one that is seen most prominently in the movie that gets replicated.

If you are concerned about this, then perhaps you could accurize it yourself by filing, sanding and adding putty and paint. However, it is quite difficult and a whole lot of work to reach into the crown and sand the surfaces.
I noticed the wood grain effect on the prop as well- I think though that it's not because UC had access to a different prop that theirs is so funny... More like they did what they always seem to do and had to make changes to the replica to make it easier and cheaper to fabricate.

If there's one Gandalf staff with a wide crown, I'd think that characteristic would carry through all versions of the prop. That's a big feature and would create great inconsistency (even from a distance) if it wasn't present on all the GtW staffs Weta made. Probably also more likely UC got it wrong than Weta did :lol

My own GtW staff is kinda beyond hope for accurization unfortunately. Even if I could get in the crevices on the interior, the head on mine is defective and leaning to one side :(
Nobody? Hmm, if only I had a Blu Ray reader in my PC, then I could post a few high-res pics of the staff... It's really amazing, especially when compared to the replica.