Has anyone done the other McQuarrie concept Vader?

It would be cool to see one made. Wonder how the eFx one will be.
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Yeah this one......


Its a one off by a very talented Canadian prop maker.

More on the McQuarrie Vader page on my site:

The Ballentine's version is the one eFX will be doing - although their sculpt looks different since its all down to artistic interpretation



That thing is a work of art! THAT is how the ROTS Vader design should have looked and I think even for ANH after 20 years of purging. Heck, it almost takes over as my favorite Vader design.

I must have one....I will have one....
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Great helmet. JRX is another maker of such a helmet. A few day ago there was one of his helmets in the Junkyard for sale:thumbsup
I have said it time and time again. Said it before the release of EIII that THAT was the helmet that Anakin SHOULD be getting. It's a tribute to the original artist and it's retro enough that it would fit in the storyline perfectly.

What I didn't expect is the weathered look which makes me take another look at HOW EI - EIII SHOULD have been done. Not enough was ever done with the devlopement of Darth Maul. He SHOULD have been the one that Anakin defeats towards his turn.

I can't believe that the above helmet was never used. Another wasted chance and we can't even get a mulligan.

I love the shots on the whole suit. I bet the farm that he could do a good weathered suit that would due props to that bucket.

I WANT one of those.

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Great helmet. JRX is another maker of such a helmet. A few day ago there was one of his helmets in the Junkyard for sale:thumbsup

Yes, I've seen the JRX, which is the original conceptual version. I think it's a great looking design, but it looks too much like a wasp for my taste. The Ballantine version has more of the features we are used too, but in a, as Uber Fett said, "retro" look.

I like the industrial look it has. It looks like it's made of metal. I also like how the face is very round and cylindrical giving it a more mechanical look, like it actually works as part of an iron lung.
I wholeheartedly agree, Lucas should retouch Revenge of the Sith, just like he did the orignal trilogy with Jabba.haha

That thing is a work of art! THAT is how the ROTS Vader design should have looked and I think even for ANH after 20 years of purging.
It bugged me how the emperor just happpened to have the perfect armored suit lying around.
It should have been more primitive, and the earlier helmet would have been a neat touch.
Is EFX going into production on this?

The eFX Vader, though based on the same RMQ design looks similar although is a completely different sculpt.

I agree with other posts - this would make an awesome prequel Vader - much better than the symmetrical CAD-by-numbers version they used in RotS

