Hardware Obi ANH Tutorial?

I made a few about 10 years ago.

I will dig up pics.For now here are a few parts I dug up from the garage.

Pommel is two P trap "bolts" glued facing eachother,end cap plug, and screen door wheel.

The windvane is a sealed bearing.The one in the pic is too small..I didn't have the right size on hand, but you can get them at the HW store.If you are careful you can cut the top off with a dremmel and remove the bearings and make "fins" to put inside.

Grenade necks can be made from bronze sleeve bushings of various sizes.

Hey Tan, just read through your build- that was brilliant work!!
I've just spent far too much money on getting the parts for a 'metal' obi, so your scratch build makes me gutted in the sense I should really have made my own.
(it would have been more satisfying I expect too)

Maybe a bit blunt, but a fair response.

Any fan of what could conceivably be considered one of the most iconic weapons in sci-fi, need not resort to hardware my friend. In the last 10 years or so I've owned about five OT obi sabers and thanks to new discoveries and positive id's on real world parts, each new representation was an improvement on the last.
Don't forget too though, that the biggest thrill and initiation to the "club" is cobbling together the parts to make your own. (Just like any self respectin Jedi should do dangit)

You seek James Kenobi my friend. Last I heard he was taken some time off in the outer rim.
Use the search button and best of luck my friend.
Not blunt, concise.
To be less concise, the saber in question is in fact a hardware saber already.
Why reinvent the wheel?

Btw this saber is iconic to no one but us. Most Star Wars fans can't tell the difference between this saber and that one.
Not blunt, concise.
To be less concise, the saber in question is in fact a hardware saber already.
Why reinvent the wheel?

Btw this saber is iconic to no one but us. Most Star Wars fans can't tell the difference between this saber and that one.

True, but the author of the thread DID find himself to the RPF and you were quick to say "No" to his question.

No disrespect to the exceptional work in the posts above, but methinks you would like to point him in the direction of building one from found and RPF replicated parts, yes? :)
As you related to him, the search function would be the first step.
I did not think "No. Use the search." would be very nice, as it would insult his intelegence.
Btw "No" is the correct answer to the OP's question.
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As you related to him, the search function would be the first step.
I did not think "No. Use the search." would be very nice, as it would insult his intelegence.
Btw "No" is the correct answer to the OP's question.

No worries. :)
I meant no insult. I simply know that a bit of searching would lead to threads by Serafino, Darth Saber, James Kenobi, and fellow RPF allumni's like yourself. :thumbsup

Even the MR Obi (as a licensed representation) does not rival what you'll find here, made by RPF members who share your passion. All depends on how discerning you are.

Best of luck with your build.
I thought the original question meant a tutorial on how to assemble one made out of the correct found items, not how to scratch-build one. That I would like to see. I love my russrep, but I have to live with the fact that it will never come close to the real deal.
...the saber in question is in fact a hardware saber already. Why reinvent the wheel?

Well, sometimes you can't afford that wheel, even if it is the best option. Or maybe the hardware option is just more challenging than throwing your money at whomever is doing the latest run of super accurate, never to be bettered until the next run, Obi parts. Or maybe, it's just out of sheer stubborn pride that hardware sabers are made.
I meant that each part of my russrep saber is a reproduction. The only thing 'real' on it will be the Graflex clamp.
I meant that each part of my russrep saber is a reproduction. The only thing 'real' on it will be the Graflex clamp.

Sure, if you want to look at it that way. But of the few sabers I've seen made entirely from real parts, none of them have captured the true essence of the Obi ANH prop saber. They're close, but somehow not entirely right.