Han Solo trousers - what are my options?

Dave Ward

Sr Member
So I'm looking to get a pair of 'bloodstiped' trousers. They're actually stagewear as I'm a musician, so they don't have to be 100% screen accurate, just something evocative of the Han Solo look.

I sometimes see sew-on bloodstripes on ebay, but can't shake the feeling that they might not look quite right sewn on by hand. Any advice/suggestions as to a seller or supplier, or someone that sells something reminiscent off-the-peg?
Thanks in advance everyone!
If you just want something reminiscent you can just get some blue work wear pants (like Dickies or similar) and sew some of those aforementioned bloodstripes on them. You ca get the patches sewn on at a dry cleaner with an alterations department. Maybe get the pants altered to taper a little more?

That's actually what a lot of people with Han Solo pants do to make them anyway.
Thanks for all the help so far. I contact Corellian Exports and whilst I'm sure the product is great, they are a little outside my budget for this project. Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I could find ESB brown cavalry style pants? Also, does anyone have any advice about sewing on the bloodstipes themselves?