Han Solo gloves - what material?

Dave Ward

Sr Member
I see that Indy Magnoli sells these in a nifty looking leather, but does anyone know the original material? SW folklore says they were a pair of 1970s bus driver gloves, I would have supposed that they were a workglove type rugged fabric. Any insights welcome!
I think I remember someone saying Deerskin, or maybe that's what Indy's are made with. They are some kind of leather for sure. But really, any leather dyed to resemble will work. Good on you for making your own! Even though I like making stuff, when I have the spare $$ I'm going to be purchasing some from Indy Magnoli because they are really impressive and I highly doubt I could do better myself.
There are some pictures of them on a mannequin on the ROTJ costume on display around the internet somewhere. As reference goes, Indy's pics are the best to work from, though.
I took some pictures of a Solo suit when it was in LA during the exhibit tour of Star Wars: Science Meets Imagination.

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It certainly looks like deer skin. It's the same leather used on the Boushh helmet. I used it on a replica helmet.

I think some one on the board mentioned that these were originally riding gloves, but I'm thinking race car gloves are more than likely what was used.
I thought I'd read somewhere that there were holes for the knuckles on one of the pair of filming gloves. Any truth to that?