Han Solo Gloves - Found item


Master Member
I needed to take a trip to Wilson's Leather yesterday to pick up some black gloves for my Imperial Officer's costume and made an interesting discovery.

While going through all the different leather gloves, I came across a pair of gloves that looked just like the Han Solo ANH gloves I had purchased from Russ many years ago.

The only difference between these found gloves and the custom jobs was that these were all black. The Han Solo gloves are two-toned: brown and black.

Unfortunatley, there was no model number or name on the tag. I'm assuming these are "driving gloves". They're retailed at $50. They are currently 50% off....probably since it's off-season for gloves.

I suppose if some one really wanted these things accurate, they could pick up a pair and have them modified. Another option would be to dye half of the glove brown.
Yep I would agree they ar driving gloves. I saw a movie recently which had a pair of similar gloves but they too were of a different color. Still, they were very similar in design with the open area and fastening at the back of the hand, plus the vent holes in the finger. And they were two tone.