Han Solo Ep VII?


Sr Member
I was wondering what route Abrams is going with the weapons and main character get ups for EPVII. More specifically Han's blaster/uniform. Abrams is a huge fan, so my guess is he will definitely go for iconic. For example, I think he would want Han to rock both a new jacket and a new vest at some point. Or maybe have him dust off his old blaster and reference its old and out of date condition. Thoughts?

Edit, sorry didnt realize! ;( Request to be moved Please ;)
Good Question, imho Abrams has one big Strength .. to focus on things people love and recognize, copy these and give it a cool new look...(with more or less success) like in Star trek. I say we can expect business as usual: Bloodstripes, Riding Boots, Holster rig and hopefully a variation of the Bespin Jacket... even if he holds that outfit back unless the old Nerf Herder fuels up his Falcon and get into action.. pretty much like Dr. Jones switches between Techer Suit and his Fedora ;-)

I hope there will be concept pictures soon..
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Personally, IMO I think JJ will not disappoint. I remember when I saw Phantom Menace for the first time. I loved it. It was great. Then seeing it over and over I began to dissect it and find faults, mostly in JarJar. But think about this new trilogy. We have a much better producer writer and director in JJ. I loved Star Trek and Lost is still my favorite show of all time. PM was all Lucas and McCallum. Remember, they brought us loads of stuff I still dislike about the special editions around the same time as PM. And at the time, Star Wars was kind of out of the lime light for years. Now we have tv shows and Disney weekends and tons of pop culture keeping it more alive than ever.

On to your question. Look at what JJ has done in the past few years. I love Star Trek, and his reinvention of the best movie in the series (Khan!!!!) was superb. I trust him on Solo. He knows Solo is a fan favorite. He knows he can't screw up the costume too much or millions of people will be mad. I feel we will see the same gun, probably the same or similar holster, and a recognizable costume. Just my opinions :)
I just can't quite wrap my head around a 71 year old Han Solo wearing the same clothes he wore 30 years ago, I mean come on!! If he IS wearing that same suit I will be disappointed.
I just can't quite wrap my head around a 71 year old Han Solo wearing the same clothes he wore 30 years ago, I mean come on!! If he IS wearing that same suit I will be disappointed.

Yeah I would say there should be some sort of costume change because we all change clothes and wear different things. With 30 years passing I would say it would be cool to see a drip/drab of his wardrobe, but not at all expect to see the same outfit.
I think the HS character will have transitioned from Smuggler/General to Republic Diplomat. I don't think we'll see him in his OT gear. Unless there is a flight suit variant of somekind, I think he'll be wearing something more formal. Which, in my opinion, would make sense.

I would really like to see a HS stand alone film! :)
I have seen 4 concept Han Solo wardrobe concepts for the new film. I can tell you that his style didn't change much, however, all images show 2 holsters and one shows a long 'Browncoat' styled coat. One image seems to embrace a teeny bit more western themed clothing.
Id say it will be something similar or in a similar style to what Han used to wear. If Abrams did such a good job on the new star trek uniforms he will do a good job on the star wars costumes.
I would say it will likely be changed up a bit but Abrams will make sure it has that original trilogy feel. As someone else suggested, maybe a plot twist will require him to dust off his ROTJ blaster and don the bloodstripes again.
I would say it will likely be changed up a bit but Abrams will make sure it has that original trilogy feel. As someone else suggested, maybe a plot twist will require him to dust off his ROTJ blaster and don the bloodstripes again.

Part of the synopsis: Unfortunate circumstances will force Han Solo to wear clothing he coincidentally wore 30 years prior in order to take down a necessary evil.
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