Han Solo DL-44


New Member
interested in getting the flash hider for Solo's DL-44. just that part. i know the origional part was the dispursion nozzle from an old fire sprayer, so that would be the ideal part, but i'm having trouble finding one. any idea's or help?
I believe, thanks to some great work by the guys on this board, that the original was an German WW2 aerial machine gun flash hider, specifically an MG81.

Have you tried Blast-tech?
Checked out the Blast-tech site, costs too much. Dang flash hider is the only part that I can't make myself.
Plan is to cosmeticaly modify a functional airsoft pistol that i would actually use in games, so i'm not looking for anything to expensive that will most likely end up breaking. my origional plan was to use one from a plastic kid's toy, but now adays they're all sorts of gawdy colors.
Was going to suggest a resin one, but if you airsoft anything like me, you'll need something sturdier.

Why not use the toy version and paint it?
Go and find someone who can make you one from Delrin (a black plastik), light and very sturdy. Should be available in every machine-shop, who has a lathe and a mill for shaping a flashhider, usually has that stuff all time in his storage.

It´s the black one


That´s a ESB version, but ANH can be done, too.
