Halo reach costume help?


New Member
I'm building a female spartan costume for a couple of the cons and Halloween this coming year. I'm starting with an accurate under suit, and moving into pepakura armor, which I've done before. However, I'm completely new at sewing, and generally use hot glue for all my costumes.

Can anyone find me an extensive tutorial that may cover how to make a padded bodysuit? Batman, superman, halo, vader it doesn't really matter what it's for, just as long as the directions are clear.

I am already a avid user of the 405th forums, and they don't really have a lot in the way of bodysuits, just armor.

I used the search function, and it didn't find what I wanted it to, so possibly someone else might know where to look. Thanks guys!
405th is the best resource for this stuff.

The biggest complaint I've always had with most spartan costumes is that they are too small. If you have seen the full size diorama that Microsoft/Bungie has the Spartans are huge 6ft6 to 8 feet tall. I would love to see a costume that bulked up a Spartan to that size.
Well, I'm going as a female Spartan. I'm going to boost up my boots by about three inches, but personally, I'm only five foot one, so I'll be a little mini Spartan, haha.

I checked 405th, they just don't have a lot of guides for bodysuit making yet.
body suits?
check out the superhero forums - lots on there
stuff life League of Heroes or Brotherhood of the Bat at nice places to start, adn soon you will see the links to other similiar places.
definately remeber reading some tut's on home made stuff

guys - she is already a USER of the 405th forums
I am sure she knows where to get the pep files

the question has to do with body suits and bulking up for the right look
im not sure about how to sew a body suit but for my halo armor im using a pressure suit for dirtbikes with a black under armor shirt and it works really nice.
heres a pic of the one i have,