Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie. Speed Jacket on page 4


Sr Member
I only had Racer X in this thread before, but now I'm going to include the other costumes I'm making. (or going to try to make by Halloween)


We have a thread for Speed Racer research, but I'm going to go ahead and start a new one for the Racer X costume I'm making...

I've only just begun, but here is what I have so far.

When making a pattern I first find what photos I can, then lighten them to see the seams and in this case the decorative stitching.


link to larger original images One (not very big) and Two

Next I color code the fabric pieces and draw in the stitching.
I then drew it on an old T-shirt for a size reference.


link to large original image CLICK (big but very fuzzy)

I use the T-shirt to make a paper pattern and in this case I went ahead and drew on the stitches.


The following close up is what I used as reference to decide how to draw the stitches.


This one helped too:

And here is a closer view of the two pattern pieces for the shoulder and the stitches on them... (so far as I can see them from what fuzzy photos I have)
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Re: Racer X

A bit more progress...


Bigger Version


Bigger Version


I'm still sizing it and need to stitch the back pieces so I haven't sewed the front stitched pieces to the under jacket or finished the sleeves yet... I obviously need to adjust the sizing of the collar to bring the entire piece up a few inches.
Re: Racer X

Lookin' good!

I think the center of the x needs to be higher, about the top of the armpit. Also, the lines of your x don't seem to line up with each other, like it's two V's that have a wider than 45 degree angle to them.
Re: Racer X

Hey thanks! I agree with lifting it up - by trimming the collar I think I can achieve that. As for the X not lining up, that might have to do with it being pinned on him sloppily - laying it down flat they are symmetrical. But I'll check it out again just to make sure.

I am armed with a seam ripper just in case. *heh*
Re: Racer X

I am intrigued by this T-Shirt pattern method. This is something I could use for my patterning panel at D*Con. Very cool!
Re: Racer X

Great work, Guri!

I love seeing stuff from this movie.

And if you wait till the middle of next month, I believe there should be a DVD for your additional reference.
Re: Racer X

Darth Mule - I wish I could wait for the DVD, but the kids go back to school soon and I want to finish as much of this as I can before then because I plan to go back to writing full time once they are out of the house...
Re: Racer X

A bit more progress.


Click for higher rez

I have it fitted, though not perfectly, it will do for the time I have (and how quickly he'll grow out of it, and how much he squirms! *L*)

I also found a pair of sunglasses that will work.

The sleeve piece will have to be stitched on by hand.

Next up - the hood - oy. Does not look easy.
Re: Racer X

Hood work:

First, I drew the template on my 'model'.

Next, laid down the fabric and drew the stitching.


After cutting it out, I pinned it together.


And then basted and tried it on my son to make sure it fit... Once it did, I took it all apart.


And then I used the templates to cut out the actual fabric. Pinned, then basted...


Then used the machine.


Click for high rez.


Click for high rez.

After trying this thing on my son a dozen times, he is in no mood to pose for photos. *L* But I will hopefully get a picture of him in the top portion of the costume before I finish the gloves...
Re: Racer X

Excellent work, Guri.
In the next coupla days I should be getting my hands on an HD version of SR; any caps you want?
Re: Racer X

Thanks! It was tedious hand basting, but worth the control I would have lost trying to machine stitch with those long pins... I may invest in short pins if I can find them at some point.

And wow... awesome offer!! :love

I have nothing of Racer X from the waist down, so anything along those lines would be great. I was going to just have him wear any old black pants and shoes/boots, but if there is something specific I might try to customize that part. (after the gloves and Speed Costume)

And the jacket my youngest one wants for Speed is the white with blue under the arms. So that full get up from every angle available would be great. I have NOTHING except looking at a Speed "Ken" doll I saw at Toys R Us.

I plan to buy the DVD myself, but I have no way of taking screen snaps, so that would seriously help speed up the process.
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Made this today... modeled by my niece who will be Trixie because Speed had school today and she didn't.



Thanks to Nickytea for some screen captures!

Now to make some pants for Speed... The jacket will be last because I need to make sure I have time...
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Great work, Guri!

Looks like you found a great blue material after all. PERFECT color!
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Costume looking great- I saw a pretty good Speed Racer style helmet -kids size- at Toys R Us yesterday-if it has not already been mentioned.
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Thanks everyone! :) Started on the pants already...

Pauly - we bought it already back at the beginning of the summer, just in case they sold out. *L* He knew well before the movie came out what he wanted to be.
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Here he comes, here comes Speed Racer....

I still need to find something for his boots and that red scarf needs some attention.

But for now I'm on to make Trixie's costume.

This is the one we settled on - after much discussion and going over the movie with my niece yesterday. *L*



She'll wear the capri's and flats with it and to make sure people know who she is supposed to be when she's not with my sons, I'm going to fix on the back "Trixie" in white letters with sparkles and a Speed Racer pin on the front instead of the pink rainbow thing...

Oh! And my son is set on dying his hair, which I know will not wash out no matter how temporary they claim it will be. And he's fine with that. Anyone have any suggestions on a brand to get for him?
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Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Looks great Guri!

Will you be needing some trixie caps?
Re: Halloween costumes: Racer X, Speed and Trixie

Hey !! Speed looks great !

I can't wait to see the rest of them. Top notch.