Guardians of the Galaxy (Post-release)

Wouldn't release a dancing baby Groot have been considered a spoiler of sorts? I'm sure they've got one planned for post release. Maybe Christmas?

I think so, unless you were familiar with the character previously
and knew of Groot in sprig form, a normal occurance for the character.
One action figure of Rocket came with the pot and sprig a few years back.
I've seen the movie 4 times now, each time with a different group of friends and it was my very first IMAX showing. Very, very impressed. The movie was still fun even after the 4th time around. The big push for me? The movie made fans of my friends who are NOT sci fi, comic book, adventure movie people at all. Most were not familiar with the music, had seen one or two Marvel movies, never seen Star Wars, did not understand any of the references, and in the end several mentioned how it'd been years since they laughed like that in a movie. Definitely an instant favorite for me, rearing to go a 5th time and drag along a few others who don't understand "space" movies.

How much did they like it? Several asked to have a Star Wars marathon in the coming week to see what all these "space" movies are about.
Just went through the Art of GotG book, another excellent book. For Star-Lord you can see the transition from comic to movie look with each concept version, pretty cool. They do offer a full body image of Thanos, and also discuss the cosmic beings of Eternity, Death, Infinity, and Entropy as depicted on some wall carvings in the Morag temple (didn't see that in the first viewing, will definitely be on the lookout the 2nd time) . And the book confirms the orb is the power stone, but don't say which the Tesseract and Aether are. Lastly, some of the Nova Corpsmen concept art may as well be concepts for Nova himself :thumbsup Not a whole lot of additional ref shots for the props and costumes unfortunately.

And a gif....

OMG He is soooooo cuuuuuute..
This movie actually punched me in the feels a couple times. I was really impressed how well this movie moved along. This was the first movie I've been really excited to see all year.
Absolutely loved this movie in every way possible. And my 6 yr old son was hooked from start to finish.
I knew it would be great but it exceeded all my expectations still. I sooo can't wait to own it on blu-ray so me and my son can watch it over and over. :)

From the opening sequence I was hooked. If I was going around alien worlds I would definitely do it to a 70's and 80's soundtrack. I so much wanted to be in Quill's place in the opening.
When they were flying around the skull, I thought this is what a live action Heavy Metal movie should look like.
Going again tonight to see it for my birthday, on IMAX!

What I love about this movie is how well the 70s music works in it. One person in Hollywood that knows how to pick great music for key scenes is Quentin Tarantino.


I want a Dancing Groot for Christmas. :D
It was great and y i couldnt tell right now which i prefer, avengers or gotg. and the peoples reaction in the cinema when they saw the post credit :lol
It was just as great the 2nd time around on IMAX. Even some jokes I didn't catch the first time. I'm surprised the black light/Jackson Pollock joke made it into a Disney flick. :lol
I just saw it a second time as well. I enjoyed all the jokes again, but had totally forgotten about the "distraction" part and got a real kick out of it.

Can anybody tell me what Drax said after ripping out the guy's head implant near the end? I think they goofed a bit on the sound work in that scene, because I just couldn't make out what he was saying over the sound effects.
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