Hi Clutch
I'm sorry to hear you're not happy with your replica Cyberman. We do our best to provide as high a quality service as possible and it's always dissapointing to hear when someone isn't pleased with the results of our efforts.
Firstly, should you feel you're genuinely not happy with what you received I'll be more than happy to give a full refund on return of the head to us as long as we receive it in the same conditon as when it was sent.
I am sorry you haven't bothered to contact us directly. We have both our own forum where I constantly reply to queries and also very fast response to any e-mail queries. You could of also called! none of which you have done with your concerns.
Regarding bubblewarp and plain cardboard boxes. I never considered that anyone was purchasing a box and packing material and would want something special in that respects? They're not an item that we considered should have fancy packaging as they never sit on a shelf in a shop trying to sell themselves. The packaging was always just considered a functional by-product of transporting them to you and would be disposed of once the replica was liberated from its' box. All I imagine fancy packaging would do is bump up the price. We pack them solidly and carefully and I don't really know what better than tough cardboard and bubblewrap is good for that job?
Regarding the surface imperfections you feel detracts from the finish. Firstly don't get it RESPRAYED as it was never sprayed in the first place. That's a cold cast metal finish and not some silver spray can effect. Because these replicas are produced in exactly the same way as the screen used originals the finish is the same as the screen used originals and, because of the process chosen to produce the screen used originals, suffers the same imperfections as the screen used originals.
We do go in to detail on our website about the cold cast metal process and the pros and cons of using this process as we know it can never match a spray finish for being flawless but also know that the finish we achieve using this process can't be achieved with a paint. Go to;
Click on the buy products and click on Cyberman head.
The last sentance of the paragraph describing the replica states;
"...Finally, please note that these products are genuine replicas of the originals with all the same unique characteristics! Please read these notes about the background, design and production of them before making a purchase."
In addition we also link to Jez's Movie helmets site:
Where he gives a full and frank review and also has comparison pictures of screen used and replica heads so you can see what to expect and answers many of the questions a buyer may be asking before purchasing.
Like I stated at the begining, if you, or your wife, have purchased in error without understanding the nature of this product or simply just don't feel it's what you wanted just contact Paul through the mfxreplicas site and he'll tell you were to send the head and on receipt I will be happy to refund your money by whatever means you prefer (pay pal, direct bank transfer, etc.)
Best wishes
Neill Gorton