Good glue to adhere plastic to wood??

Darth Infamous

Sr Member
Just wondering what is a good glue to use to adhere plastic to wood? Any ideas? I have been using epoxy but it is brittle once hard. Im looking for alternatives. Thanks in advance

Gorilla Glue bonds anything. DOn't get it on your hands, and experiment with it first to see how much it expands. The water activates it and them it foams to expand into crevices.
Originally posted by Darth Infamous@Aug 9 2005, 11:41 AM
Just wondering what is a good glue to use to adhere plastic to wood? Any ideas? I have been using epoxy but it is brittle once hard. Im looking for alternatives. Thanks in advance


Is the gorilla glue some type of polyurathane glue? I will try it. Thanks. Does anyone know what the special effects dudes used on the there model ships? I saw some pics of the Nostromo that was being refurbished. The base structure was mostly made of wood. Im wondering what they used to adhere the plastic paneling to it. Anyone care to guess. :)

Originally posted by Galactifan@Aug 10 2005, 04:03 AM

Thanks for help. :) I went and bought this stuff called power thane...100 percent polyurathane by nailpower. I tried on my scatched Battlemech model and oh boy does it work.
There is some set time required and you have to be careful about putting too much on. Once its set it is very strong. I like it.
