Glue rubber to styrene?


Sr Member
I would like to fix a rubber trim around the opening of my (styrene) stormy helmet, any ideas which glue would do a good job? I'm in the uk if anyone knows any particular brands. Thanks for any help.
I use E6000 to stick the rubber trim to my helmets. I have to use clips to keep it in place while it cures (24hours) . I use E6000 for gluing everything to plastic armour as it is really great stuff. A quick flick through should find you a tube for about £7.00. I have never seen this stuff in any shops.
just looked on for some. Very weird, there is someone who supplies it who also makes "reborns" - was watching a program called "My Fake Baby" the other day all about reborns, you catch it? Very odd. Some great artisan work, but still... very very odd!