Ghostbusters (2016) (Post-release)

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

you know what's sad about those fake accounts? it all seemed totally plausible they'd do that ;o)
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

Suck it nerds? Are they serious? How is nobody saying that is offensive? :facepalm
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

Australian reviewer - have to love the opening "I have never seen the original Ghostbusters."
With the closing "For those who loved the original, there will be plenty in this reboot for them as well, including cameos galore and plenty of call-backs. Fans of the original will also appreciate that this film managed to balance the line between the big laughs, the subtle giggles and downright creepiness. And it kicks some serious arse. Vindicated." which seems confusing as to how someone who has never seen the original therefore has no understanding as to the original films can make comments for those who have? But clearly - vindicated…...
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

Australian reviewer - have to love the opening "I have never seen the original Ghostbusters."
With the closing "For those who loved the original, there will be plenty in this reboot for them as well, including cameos galore and plenty of call-backs. Fans of the original will also appreciate that this film managed to balance the line between the big laughs, the subtle giggles and downright creepiness. And it kicks some serious arse. Vindicated." which seems confusing as to how someone who has never seen the original therefore has no understanding as to the original films can make comments for those who have? But clearly - vindicated…...

confused casuals....the audince for this movie?


some reviews out of the uk. average movie goers seem to think it's average.
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

Cinema was almost empty well apart from 4 other people 2 of those were elderly. Could not even stay for the whole movie either had to walk out with about 15 min's left as needed to visit the bathroom & decided to go home instead of coming back for the predictable ending.

Not many were in the foyer either for the next performance I think this movie is going to win an award for biggest studio flop & will be out of cinemas within a few weeks.

If it did not have the name Ghostbusters attached & was just marketed as something else it would have helped a lot the movie is not awful but it feels so forced & artificial nothing can save it from being & feeling like bland/forced/souless studio product.>>>>

The only other UK review isaw claimed 'it was better than the original movie'.

which means either they where a paul feig fan to begin with, a young fan who never saw the original movie, or just plain a young fan. they also started a thread saying 'who here dares say this was better than the original..' so right now i'm leaning toward troll ;o).

I'm more hoping the above is why we aren't seeing any uk reviews and if so it couldb e a grat sign.

Put this one on a movie poster, sony :)
>>Talked to friend who works in Cineworld and he says hes never seen more people walk out of a movie, even more than ID2 and Dumb and Dumber.

Had a showing for about 70 this evening and about 20 walked out before the first hour was up!>>
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

The studio and marketing team have been pretty keen to "steer into the skid" of negative fan response.

What you need to realize -- what we ALL need to realize -- is that studios do not care about hardcore fans.

Hardcore fans are a given. They will watch the film, even if it's just to say how much they hate it. Or out of morbid, but insatiable curiosity. But the bottom line is that they can be counted on.

And if they can't, well...who cares? Hardcore fans are an intense niche market but they still are JUST a niche. Ask Joss Whedon how much hardcore fans helped Serenity's box office. Answer: not enough. That's why studios don't care.

The only thing that changes the equation is a vocal fan protest. Except that this time the studio used some judo and flipped the fan outrage back on them, by characterizing fans as whiny and entitled babies and/or sexist trolls.

It's really less about trolling them and more about counteracting the legitimacy of the fan arguments.

And it worked, at least in terms of blunting the negative fan response.

Largely because a particularly ridiculous and obnoxious portion of the fan base was most visible in their protests. That made it easy to turn ALL fan objections into the rantings of whiny sexist fanboy man-babies.

It's still not great for the film that they have to deal with this but I am gonna bet somewhere in the $65-70m opening weekend domestic box office take. After that, the question is how much of a drop off you see in week 2. More that 50% and future sequels might not be guaranteed.

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

I think Dan is correct, but i also think its unfortunate. If it works at all, then youll be seeing this same tactic used again in the future.
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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

I think Dan is correct, but i also think its unfortunate. If it works at all, then youll ne seeing this same tactic used again in the future.

Oh I absolutely think this technique will be used against vocal fandoms in the future where possible. It's much easier to simply paint the fans as whiny entitled babies than to try to appease ten, especially when the focus groups are saying your currently on the right track.

The big difference in the future will probably be that you won't have the blatantly sexist stuff to push back against. If the response is simply "This looks terrible," it's harder to sell the entitled fan thing. If it's something with racist or sexist undertones, the pushback will be more effective.

So, like, F4ntastic Four might have been able to do this with the uproar about a black Johnny Storm. But just a random crappy reboot without that sort of issue might have a harder time.

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Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

The studio and marketing team have been pretty keen to "steer into the skid" of negative fan response.

What you need to realize -- what we ALL need to realize -- is that studios do not care about hardcore fans.

Hardcore fans are a given. They will watch the film, even if it's just to say how much they hate it. Or out of morbid, but insatiable curiosity. But the bottom line is that they can be counted on.

And if they can't, well...who cares? Hardcore fans are an intense niche market but they still are JUST a niche. Ask Joss Whedon how much hardcore fans helped Serenity's box office. Answer: not enough. That's why studios don't care.

The only thing that changes the equation is a vocal fan protest. Except that this time the studio used some judo and flipped the fan outrage back on them, by characterizing fans as whiny and entitled babies and/or sexist trolls.

It's really less about trolling them and more about counteracting the legitimacy of the fan arguments.

And it worked, at least in terms of blunting the negative fan response.

Largely because a particularly ridiculous and obnoxious portion of the fan base was most visible in their protests. That made it easy to turn ALL fan objections into the rantings of whiny sexist fanboy man-babies.

It's still not great for the film that they have to deal with this but I am gonna bet somewhere in the $65-70m opening weekend domestic box office take. After that, the question is how much of a drop off you see in week 2. More that 50% and future sequels might not be guaranteed.

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I think it only worked because those who are for this tend to ignore constructive comments and pretend all fans are like those who will hate on anything. GB's is just their latest target.
that, and because always on social media is driving us toward Idiocracy faster than we'd like.

and then you have sites like this, which are so tired of the backlash to their favorite thing, they've gone crazy and adopted the sony narrative for them by deleting negative comments and snarkily passive aggressive going after the 'haters'. and folks wonder why we think some sites are paid off...

the ONLY reason hard core fans are ignored now, is because nerd stuff is popular with the casual crowd. take that away, and suddenly the fans become important again. but by then, we're too pissed off to care and they are really up craps creak. quite frankly, i don't think we'll ever be important again, because studios just do not care to put effort into anything anymore. why bother? just reboot it again until some lame ass attempt works. or, get something trending in the SJW circle, it'll get a short boost in sales, and repeat the process.

they may not have been smart enough to realize this yet, but hopefully they will soon.

I'm about done with new movies myself. everything is getting too political and less fun.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

So, I got a chance to see this last night. A friend got passes to a screening and I went along. I thought it was nowhere near as good as the original, but it certainly wasn't terrible. I really enjoy the original still to this day and it has a few laugh out loud moments for me. This one not so much. TBH though. I've never been much of a Melissa McCarthy fan at all, so I don't know if that had something to do with it.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

It hasn't been released yet. It comes out Friday.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

That's the way I came to feel 20 years ago.

More glowing endorsements from the uk. maybe there is hope :)

>Saw it in London, the only thing redeeming it was that the theatre was empty.

A true dog of a movie. The biggest crime a comedy can perpetrate on the viewing audience is to be not funny. These people ought to be arrested for that.>>

sounds like a typical paul feig disaster.
Re: Ghostbusters Post Release

More glowing endorsements from the uk. maybe there is hope :)

>Saw it in London, the only thing redeeming it was that the theatre was empty.

A true dog of a movie. The biggest crime a comedy can perpetrate on the viewing audience is to be not funny. These people ought to be arrested for that.>>

sounds like a typical paul feig disaster.

Depending on where you look, I suspect you're gonna see some confirmation bias here. If you want to find negative reviews, user-written reviews on sites like IMDB or Reddit are probably a good bet.

Personally, at this point, I'm more interested in:

- Professional reviews from major publications. Major-circulation magazines and newspapers, media outlets, that sort of thing.

- Box office numbers. Because, in the end, this is literally all that matters. If this film goes above, say, $80-100m domestically, especially in its first week, that's pretty much a guarantee that there will be sequels. The budget for this film was around $145-150m. So, if it can make back the bulk of that in domestic box office, especially within 2 weeks, then it's probably a safe bet to turn a profit when you factor in international box office.

One side thought, though: there's been a fairly strong merchandising push for this film, with commercial tie-ins, as well as actual consumer merchandise. If the film know...respectably BUT the merchandise does poorly, what's that do to the chances for sequels? I would think that would actually cut into the budget in a sense, and might make a studio more reluctant to greenlight a sequel. Or is licensing stuff considered separately/as gravy?
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