GB integrated proton pack controller board


Sr Member
What the heck is that, you say? The integrated pack controller is a single board that sits in the proton pack. It controls everything you would ever need: The power cell lights, cyclotron, wand bargraph, wand firing lights, wand motor, wand static lights, optional sound board, switches. It is also programmable and includes several different wand lighting effects. It will also have 2 special modes - known as the "movie accurate" lighting mode and the "theoretical operation" lighting mode. This is very exciting, as something this integrated has not been done to date.

The sound board interface is included on the board also, so you can add on your own sound board any time you like. The board will support several off the shelf sound boards that are easily installed in your pack.

For wand lighting, all you will have to do is run the wiring up to the gun. This will allow you to have the spring activated tip no problem. All other wiring for the pack lights will be included also. We are also implementing a never before seen firing effect that should be a real eye opener. :)

Anyway, I made the prototype to go inside my new pack. I also just got in some extra boards. The whole system is working great, I will have some pics up very soon.

Here is a quick shot of the new integrated controller board.


Everything simply plugs into this main board with readily available ribbon cables. I will also offer the pre-formed cables in the kit.

I also got the gun "sputter" mode working. It's pretty cool, when the power bar runs out the gun barrel LEDs start flickering and the sound board plays out a wand sputtering sound.

I also have the bright gun flash working, need to just wire one up.
cmon HD lets see a vid...

sounds unbelievable. (as all your stuff is, i still cant get over your macros)
ok man, here are some videos.. They are big files, I just took these with a standard digicam.

There are multiple videos attempting to show off all the features of this new integrated pack board. I had the proto unit in the lab and finally decided to shoot some video of it working.

Also note, my dig camera has a fairly low frame rate. So the fast sequencing in the videos looks incorrect, sometimes it seems slowed down when actually that is just spatial aliasing. Dont fret.. :)

Without further delay, here are all the movies:

Power on movie

Different bargraph sequencing movie

Powercell/cyclo sequencing movie

Vent switch operation

Firing sounds and barrel LEDs movie

Special power bar mode w/ synchronized sputter during firing

Theoretical pack mode with pack lights ramping up when firing

Vibration motor and bright flash unit during firing

Sound module interface (works seamlessly with our GB economy board)

Board setup with power bar mode and theoretical operation enabled

Hope you like them. Feel free to post or shoot me any questions you may have. It took me a long time to get this all worked out, but I am very happy with the final results...
Very cool :thumbsup

At first I thought the jack was for connecting the power but after watching the cool vids am I right in thinking it's where the wand connects?

So how much juice does this board require and does the sound board get its power through this board or via a separate supply?
:eek :eek :eek
Thanks for the vid clips hyperdyne... Top-notch as usual. :thumbsup
Sweet. Just too bad I have 2 packs with the older lights + gun lights I did myself and was never really happy with them.
That set up is awesome.
RKW, the 1/8" jack is for the wand firing pushbutton. It plugs into the board and goes up to the gun's "INTENSIFY" button area. Same thing for the gun LEDs, the ribbon cables go up to the gun so you can easily mount all the gun LEDs without having any PC boards in the wand (also makes it easier to fit an extending barrel tip).

The sound board can be powered from the controller board, there are screw terminals to connect battery power and a master on/off switch. The sound board can tap into these terminals so everything in the pack powers off a common battery.

Current consumption for all the lights is around 400-500mA. The sound board draws more, depending on how loud you have it turned up.

Jim you always come up with the coolest stuff.

I want to do a GB for DragonCon this year, so keep me on your interested list.
Cool, no prob Chris.

These will be going up on my website soon. I have a couple built up already, just need to get all the web stuff worked out.
oh man...I'm going to be sending more money to you Jim....

how bout trading some r2 parts :D
