Galaxy Quest Uniform (In Progress)


Active Member
I started working on my Galaxy Quest uniform today!
I don't have the proper fabric yet:confused but I've started on a prototype before I ruin good fabric.:lol

Here are some pictures of my progress...

Well, if it will let me load them....
There we go :)

First I looked at a suit because of the similarities between a suit and a uniform.
I then made a simple pattern to use as a template.
I then made copies of this and made the parts that would be sewn together.
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Re: Galaxy Quest Uniform

Right now I don't have the right color or type of fabric, but I plan on using it to make a prototype so i can learn from it.
Does any one know how to make and sew sleeves on, for a jacket?
♥ Galaxy Quest. I wish they'd make a sequel. Are you going for the uniform from the "historical tapes" or from the new adventures?
♥ Galaxy Quest. I wish they'd make a sequel. Are you going for the uniform from the "historical tapes" or from the new adventures?

The uniform is Version 3 issued by the Thermians (If you remember he didn't have a uniform when he was taken aboard the ship.) It is a slight variation of the convention uniform that he had. The most noticeable difference is the neckband.
I've made some more progress, but i'm still having problems with the sleeves.
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Did you ever get any further on this!? I'd love to see more progress pics or get any tips from you! I want to make some of the uniforms myself, but still am at a lost as to find anyone with a pattern.
The best I've got at the moment is an altered ST:TNG uniform pattern, and I've got a much more talented seamstress working on the one i'm going to be using for Comic Con this weekend in Indy. Her and I have teamed up within the last month to create patterns for the movie.

I'm glad to see another interested person, Questarians seem to be far and few these days.
Right now she's working on the "Journey Continues" version. (Excited!!!) With any luck we'll be able to make patterns for all, and my multi year struggle will be over!!

Last edited by Taggart; Tomorrow at 11:33 PM.
It 'seams' like every thing is coming togeather quite nicely, so my updates should be more frequent now. I'll keep everybody posted!