Full suit of plate armor in leather!


Active Member
Some of you have seen my sales add in the junkyard for leather holsters, some have bought em ;) This was the project that got me into leatherworking though, and very quickly made me develop skills in that department. I snagged a helmet on ebay, made by an incredable artist, and with some help from him and pretty high asparations, I took on the task of making the rest of the armor. This is the helmet, it is a custom job, I sent him what I wanted for add-ons, the horns, eye scar, spikes and he hammered this baby out!


I wanted the suit to match it, have a fantasy vibe, while still being realistic(ish) to a time period/area. So I went with a Germanic/Gothic look, and am pretty happy with the turnout! I did the work from scratch, designing the pieces, then making blue prints, then templates, then from 2 sides of leather, one 18-20oz the other 8-10oz hand cut, tooled, dyed, sealed, riveted, spiked and mounted then all.
It took me about 3 weeks working on and off to get it to this stage, still a couple things to go on it, mainly the chain mail shirt worn underneith. Here is a break down of the parts.
Breast plate

Back plate

Boots, greaves with knee plates, and sabotons with 2 articulation points.


Thigh plates



Bracers (fore arms) these are the ones I did up for my Ghost Rider costume

Belt, and accessories. (left to right) axe frog, coin pouch and anti theft frog, sword frog


Weapons ;) battle axe/military pick, short sword/dagger, spiked, bladed gauntlet, chain mail glove

4' long 2 hand ******* sword. I redid the hand guard, grip, and pommel

With the sword frog attached. It's too long for a scabbard, the draw would be too slow, so I rigged up this frog with a quick release strap. Stays in place with the blade exposed, and one quick tug releases it.

Had a nice stand kickin around the basement for a while, and with very little modification, turned it into a pretty decent armor stand. The lesson here, never throw anything out ;)



FINALLY was able to get some shots of me in the suit, which was awesome! If I could, it'd be my daily wear, but I forsee being shot by the police in the street, and I hear Sting is a damn good shot. Everything fit, functioned, and moved exactly as I designed, it was actually fairly comfortable to wear, compaired to some of the other suits/costumes I've made. Without any further adue though, the worn shots. Like I said though, still need a chain mail shirt, it's gonna make all the difference in the appearance! I don't suppose anyone has a good sourse for decent quality chain mail do they?









Looks cool, pretty menacing, it also looks like you could do a lot of damage to a person just by throwing yourself on them and going into a spasm. :D

Mail suits are available all over the place online, there are tons of armories out there offering mail shirts or full hauberks. If you're looking for just a shirt you can get one from Museum Replicas for as low as $195 and they offered a blackened one for $265. Their stuff is generally, from what I've read, not regarded as being very historically accurate but for just a costume and if you have no plans on doing any sort LARPing or fighting in it then you should be fine although I would look around and see if you can't find it for less elsewhere.
Wow!!!!!!! I don't know what to say. It's awesome. The wrist blades are a little too much for my taste but I LOVE everything else. You thinking the chainmail shirt would be black or maybe red to break it up? Or ala natural?

That is amazing.

There is a Tandy shop near me. I stopped in for a hole punch and the guy told me they offer FREE classes on leatherworking. It's basically starting out hammering a basketweave into some pieces, then on to Celtic knots and ending in some raised carving. The guys says he will teach whatever...for free. Hard to pass this up. So, your stuff shows what can be done.
You should type SCA armor in your search engine for lots of armor images. I bought a full suit of chain, Hauberk, and coif for $120 on ebay and it's big on me...and I'm 6'3" with long monkey arms.
Thanks everyone! Wow, doin the chainmail myself, would be fitting, but then the thought of hand weaving the whole hauberk makes me shudder and my fingers hurt thinking about it LOL
Nice helmet Fett80! Clint does some inspired work, his helmets are unbelievable.
The wrist blades do push it a little bit over the top LOL I like em just for the crazy factor, that and the Predator factor too.
Tandy is fantastic, the owner of the one I go too offered me the same classes for free, basic leather working, to dying, to tooling, great introductions to the art. I wish I could have taken him up on them, I've got Fibro Myalgia though, and still trying to nail down the right meds, dose, and then therapies so sitting in a hard chair for a couple hours just don't work.
Wow, nice pick up RPG, I'm gonna have a look right now for that!
Not sure of your experience level, but well done. I have made a few sets of armor; some leather.
I agree you want to rough it up a bit. I would also suggest forming the pieces to your body to make it look more form fitting. Easy to do but requires caution and patience.
Soak the pieces in water until soft and then work them into the shape you want. For example, make the knees more concave, put a bit of a bend in the legs. When you dry them they will hold the shape but be brittle. Melted wax will hold the shape and harden it. Same technique used for centuries.
Here is an example of a leg and forearm. Even if you just flair out an edge it makes a big difference in the look.

One mean looking set of armor! I like it.. Looks like I just found another villian to use in a future story. Very Nice.
Awesome bit of work there.
In my opinion I think it needs some weathering, and a bit of daily wear kind of looks.
If that makes sense.
It needs pouches and..just the little things that make it look like it is out of real life.