*FREE* Original BSG colonial warrior patterns


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I've been working on something for a long time and have now finished it and want to make the costume patterns available for anyone wanting to do it themselves----*FREE*.
What suggestions do you all know of that I can put a clothing pattern on, watermark it and then make it available for free download. I know that these patterns will hit ebay before too long so that is why I'm posting here so you guys will know where they originally came from and can alert me it it happens.

I've looked at some of the CAD programs but I need something that is inexpensive (read free or cheap) to compile this pattern into that format.

I'm offering these patterns free.
They will be located on the BLACKSTAR SQUADRON boards.
Blackstar Squadron - Login
after I have compiled them.

Okay you might want to know what these patterns are........


The Tunic
The pants
The Battlejacket

Here it is:

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

So get those sewing machines out and lets get those uniforms done!!!!!
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Re: *FREE* costume patterns----Want to offer Free Patterns

That is totally rad. Have you tried Google Sketchup? The basic version is free, but you can only import a few file types. What format are you using?
Re: *FREE* costume patterns----Want to offer Free Patterns

Thank you for the idea. I'm looking for a file format to put them in.
I need a 2D format which is making me lean toward just using a JPG image and watermark it. That way 99% of the folks can print it out to the size they wish.
Have you looked into something like Inkscape? I haven't used it, but it's an open source vector drawing program. There are plant of freeware CAD programs out there too.
heh, nice work, jsut signed up at your board. I do alot of sewing for renn fair stuff and look forward to trying these out.

That is awesome! Out of curiosity have you found a source for the coat buckle? Pattern looks really good. may have to get me a copy just so I can try out the pattern. Thanks for sharing this and if I DO see in on E-bay will pass it on top ya!
You can get the buckles from a member here.

That is awesome! Out of curiosity have you found a source for the coat buckle? Pattern looks really good. may have to get me a copy just so I can try out the pattern. Thanks for sharing this and if I DO see in on E-bay will pass it on top ya!
That's very cool. I'd love to put together one of those costumes. I have no sewing skills, but I know someone who does.
Nice work! Looking forward to seeing the patterns. Make sure to take into perspective a complete n00b might be sewing it. (Like myself!)
Any plan to do the undersuit patterns for a Cylon anytime soon?

Try over at byyourcommand.net, I'm not sure, but they might have the cylon undersuit patterns. The Cylon Empire over on those forums are the sister group to Blackstar Squadron.
I have to say that's awesome that you'll share your work with the community at large. Thank you for allowing us toshare in your hard work.
This is awesome. Try looking on freecad.com they have a listing of free cad softwares. Also if want to put it in pdf form let me know, I would be more than happy to do that for you.