Foam Bodysuits



I was wondering if anyone had any info or had any experience with sheet foam suits? I know Kre8tive has done alot of that. My question is after the foam pieces are cut to shape and glued on the bodysuit. How exactly is the latex applied? Are there any techniques to make the surface smooth? Should it be watered down anything added? Should there be less coats of latex maybe where the joints are to move easier? WQhat type of brush foam chip brush? Please anyone that knows even a little bit i would love to hear.
I believe you'd have to do it in several thin coats to seal the foam, waiting for each coat to dry. Experiment with the latex thickness on some foam off cuts to see what results you get and use the one you like the best.
I may sound like I'm talking out of my bottom as I've not done aynthing like it. But that's how I'd approach it.
Would you recommend thinning it with water? Hopefully Kre8tive will chime in i know he is the expert on sheet foam suits. I keep thinking about how easy its going to move perhapes there should be a thinner coat on the joints or where ever there will be bending. or perhpes just leave the joints and paint on the latex around them leaving only fabrick?
I'd like to be able to tell you more but Latex and me are new friends, so I'm pretty much in the dark. Though I've managed to find a recipe for "home" foam latex that I may experiment with. I'm from the uk so getting a hold of the real deal can be hard and/or expensive.
You wouldnt happen to be able to post that recipe would you? Finding and paying for foam latex can be a bi...bad thing...
When I made my first predator costume I put a latex skin over my fabric suit. I'm assuming its much like putting a skin over sheet foam. I used really thin cheesecloth on my suit to help hide the seems lines. It worked OK. If you do put a latex skin on then cover the whole suit with atleast one thin coat of latex. That way the paintjob will look better.

Finished suit:
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Wow what a blast from the not so past, Man i remember when you first started on that suit matt, I wanted it so bad but i was already knee deep into my own suit. didn't you sell it to someone in europe??? you said it shrank a little due to the latex shrinking right?

I got the recipe off monsterlab's forum, apparently a young guy of 15 came up with the idea,
that's the link to the topic, you'll still need a latex base though. When I've got a chance I may give it a whirl. Man, having a full time job can be a pain, but I got a weeks leave coming up so who knows. I don't know if it'll be any good for a suit though I read further along in the thread that it's alittle on the soft side.
Well hope this helps. oh and like the guy in the thread says "no responsibility can be taken for what you do with this." Now I like the sound of that (rubs hands together).
That's a cool suit. Did you have to bake it to cure the latex or just leave it to dry out.
Like I said I'm new to the latex thing, but I'm a fast study
If you have a bodysuit you could apply a thin base layer of latex to it and coat the back side of the foam with latex. Once it dries I think it would stick to the latex suit. Then seal the foam piece with more latex on top.

If you already have the foam glued to the latex I would use a foam trim roller to apply the latex. it leaves thin even layers which dry faster and applying it this way is a breeze. You endup with a smooth layer each time you add a coat. Just builds it up to where you want it. I doubt you'll build up too much on any joint areas to be a problem. Just powder the areas once you're happy with the thickness so it doesn't stick to itself and tare. I would coat the back before coating the front to allow enough movement and stretch in back so it doesn't damage the zipper. Have someone help paint the back if needed while wearing it for a custom fit.
Anyone have any good sources for lycra bodysuits? I had some favorite placed, but i recently rebuilt my pc and lost all my old stuff.

Any help would be appreciated.

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