Well, this might get "touchy", so I will cut to the chase and answer the main question that will be asked first ...
Question: Did you "Recast" an MR Vader ROTS Helmet ???
Answer: The simple answer is ... "Absolutely not". The more complicated answer is, I did have to cast the pipes, and the neck/chin to get two good pieces to work with. But in according to the recent “Recaster" threads, that's not a big deal anymore ... as long as it's just for me, right ?
And, I did much worse in the long run ... I cut it in half :lol
I committed a sin indeed ... an it wasn't easy, to say the least .
Aftert the discovery of all these interior mask parts, I couldn't see putting them into an OT helmet. Just couldn't do it .... I needed a palette with some lineage.
After some serious customizing and rebuilding, the following "Teaser pics" are where I'm at after about 2 weeks of work.
I couldn't have done it without TK7602's awesome exhibit reference shots ... so tip of the hat to you bud .
I purchased/traded for all of the greeblies from an E-Bay Seller that we'll call "JJ". His parts are very clean, and great to work with. However, after studying reference in detail, I ended up having to fabricate most of the parts anyway. So, for the parts I did use, a big thanks to "JJ" as well.
The ROTS style "Expansion Screws" are completely scratch built by yours truly. Four layers of very thin styrene cut to shapes, layered, molded and then "Cold Cast" in aluminum.
The large ROTS style "Linkages" on each side of the forehead, are also scratch built, cut from steel.
There are MANY differences between the stock MR helmet and the actual ROTS Reveal. The lower dynode holes had to be moved an inch higher on each side, pipes had to be relocated, and then of course, there is the whole chin/face fitting.
It's also my first clear-coat attempt with an HVLP gun.
While I was at it, I fixed all of the "Factory" screw-ups, such as the horrible trimming in the mouth grill area, ect.. That's actually what got me into this mess. Couldn't get them to give me a return authorization, so I took matters into my own hands ...
Again, these are just teaser pics. A lot of work to go for the outside. Lighting sucked. The further I get in the project, I'll take pics in natural lighting, and post links to larger versions.
Let the games begin ....
And a screen cap vs. my own expansion screw ...
Keep in mind, that according to the exhibit shots, it's a pretty good bet that these little buggers were cast anyway. There are quite a few broken in half :lol
And last but not least, the chin ... and yes the fit together like a glove.
I dare say better than the screen prop. For some reason the pipes don't line up in the
screen version ? :facepalm
There is also a steel support rod in the upper bridge of the chin vent ... don't wawnt it to snap
And on a final note ... no, I am not offering these. I'm not ignorant
Question: Did you "Recast" an MR Vader ROTS Helmet ???
Answer: The simple answer is ... "Absolutely not". The more complicated answer is, I did have to cast the pipes, and the neck/chin to get two good pieces to work with. But in according to the recent “Recaster" threads, that's not a big deal anymore ... as long as it's just for me, right ?
And, I did much worse in the long run ... I cut it in half :lol
I committed a sin indeed ... an it wasn't easy, to say the least .
Aftert the discovery of all these interior mask parts, I couldn't see putting them into an OT helmet. Just couldn't do it .... I needed a palette with some lineage.
After some serious customizing and rebuilding, the following "Teaser pics" are where I'm at after about 2 weeks of work.
I couldn't have done it without TK7602's awesome exhibit reference shots ... so tip of the hat to you bud .
I purchased/traded for all of the greeblies from an E-Bay Seller that we'll call "JJ". His parts are very clean, and great to work with. However, after studying reference in detail, I ended up having to fabricate most of the parts anyway. So, for the parts I did use, a big thanks to "JJ" as well.
The ROTS style "Expansion Screws" are completely scratch built by yours truly. Four layers of very thin styrene cut to shapes, layered, molded and then "Cold Cast" in aluminum.
The large ROTS style "Linkages" on each side of the forehead, are also scratch built, cut from steel.
There are MANY differences between the stock MR helmet and the actual ROTS Reveal. The lower dynode holes had to be moved an inch higher on each side, pipes had to be relocated, and then of course, there is the whole chin/face fitting.
It's also my first clear-coat attempt with an HVLP gun.
While I was at it, I fixed all of the "Factory" screw-ups, such as the horrible trimming in the mouth grill area, ect.. That's actually what got me into this mess. Couldn't get them to give me a return authorization, so I took matters into my own hands ...
Again, these are just teaser pics. A lot of work to go for the outside. Lighting sucked. The further I get in the project, I'll take pics in natural lighting, and post links to larger versions.
Let the games begin ....

And a screen cap vs. my own expansion screw ...
Keep in mind, that according to the exhibit shots, it's a pretty good bet that these little buggers were cast anyway. There are quite a few broken in half :lol

And last but not least, the chin ... and yes the fit together like a glove.
I dare say better than the screen prop. For some reason the pipes don't line up in the
screen version ? :facepalm
There is also a steel support rod in the upper bridge of the chin vent ... don't wawnt it to snap

And on a final note ... no, I am not offering these. I'm not ignorant