Firing Stg44 replicas!

Lupus Yonderboy

Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with this company and/or their products?

A German company which - amongst other things - makes a firing semi-auto Stg44 replica/copy:


(Cheers Wackychimp)


P.S. Their distributors are listed on the page, the one in the USA is I.O. Inc. (

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Even if I could afford it, I couldn't bring myself to make it into a SW blaster. I'd much rather have a firing example of a historical gun. Even if it's only semi auto.
From what I understand.
The first shippment of 50 is spoken for and after the first 50 hit the states it's possible no more will come in. According to I.O. inc the have names for close to 150.

The story and comments came be followed over on
Super cool! I'm sure these wont be allowed in the UK.

Looks very nice indeed. I too would keep it as is.
The crazy part is that here in the US we are having problems getting them in, but thoose in Canada can get them. I believe Marstar has them up there.