Firefly obscuria: help with MONTY?


New Member
Hi gang,

He was only in "Trash," but it was clearly a setup for other possibilities - I'm talking about that sasquatch name o' Monty.

I emailed with Shawna Trpcic about this costume, but she wasn't able to recall much. Franc Ross as a last minute casting decision, so they had to scramble to get something -anything! - together that would fit him.
From Shawna (a classy lady to help a total stranger like this):
so he is wearing pieces from all over the rental house :) - the vest is a "quilted" asian "vest" it was a ruff cotton - if I am remembering right - the white shirt is classic western taupe - looks white but it was teched - the "necklace" was a shoulder epilette from another costume - the pants look like western period as well - he was cast at the last minute and was larger than we thought he'd be so his costume was a scramble sorry I do not remember more details
good luck and good choice
Any help ID-ing these pieces would be greatly appreciated. I've got some screen caps here, pardon the res and repeats, please.

multi-riveted belt and boots

His gun rig never makes an appearance, but he gestures towards it on entrance and the holster tie-down dangles in one shot, so we know he's armed. Boots shown better here, too:

The zig-zag quilted lining of the "asian vest":

Here you can see he's wearing a leather vest under the quilted job, and the epaulet worn as a gorget:

More to come!
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Detail on the epaulet gorget:

Here you can see his suspenders, and him "reaching" for his gun when he sees Mal:

One of the weird things about the quilted vest is that there is a patch down where the zipper would be with the numbers 1483 in an odd, sci-fi typeface. I can't quite grab it, so here's the best I could do:

The quilted over-vest has buckle epaulets on it, and seems to buckle to the shoulders of his leather under-vest:

The sleeves seem to be attached to what Shawna called an "asian vest", which to me means a coat, and the sleeves and the asian vest seem to be splotched with black paint or something, which lends a "very distressed leather" look, IMHO.

Here you can see the edge of the 1483 patch peeking out, and it's clearly attached to the asian vest:
Can anyone shed some light on the epaulet / gorget, his vests, belt or boots? Everything else (except his shirt and pants) is sufficiently obscured that I think I can reasonably take artistic license.
you can find those boots on ebay pretty easily as well. Use Nu Life leather spray dye from Meltonian, great stuff lasts a long long time.
thanks - I'll post there, too. But since the costume was a pick-n-pull from the prop rental company, I thought folks here would be more likely to be able ID the individual pieces.

That padded coat/vest thing is maddening. The lining looks exactly like the zig-zag quilting on a moving blanket. I've heard that movie studios like to use blankets like that for improvised sound-deadening, so I'm wondering if the coat/vest wasn't something cobbled together for some other production. :confused