But its ugliness is what makes it beautiful -- the design makes it believable AND it fits the style of what one would think Mal would buy (or could afford) -- kind of like Han Solo the Millineium falcon -- although Falcon much more sleek, I believe the idea was that it was supposed to look kind of piece-mealed together.
Anyways -- I got the SSM kit and have it almost finished. I love it. Yes, some details are soft and some things aren't 100% accurate, but overall I think it is a GREAT representation of the ship. I'll post pictures tonite. I would have loved the kit even more if it had only cost $50, but I didn't know about plans for ornament or the Thomas project at the time I saw the kit at Wonderfest, and thinking that nobody else would ever do the ship, I figured I better get the kit I saw...no regrets.
The only tricky part of this ship - and any others that may be released - is that the details seem to get slippery depending on whether you are looking at TV series ship or movie ship. Even within the Tv series I believe details changed...so, like so many other props/ships kits, you have to decide which version you're looking to recreate -- or not dwell on the minutia (sp?).