Firefly Kaylee ariel badge


Sr Member
Has anyone made the Kaylee ariel hospital badge,i saw it on the new firefly site
fireflyarchive.i know that four were in a old paper prop thread,i just need this one please. Did Simon have one? if so i need that as well.
These as with all the paper props i have saved from the current and previous paper prop threads are for my own dispaly,i have seen some on Ebay which i am sure were originally from here,but that's not my thing

Cheers Mark
I'm fairly sure Simon didn't have one, as he was an acting "patient" (or corpse), not disguising himself as a member of the staff. Maybe they made Kaylee one just in case they needed her to enter the hospital as backup if anything went wrong, or possibly changes to the script caused them not to need the prop.
Yes, no Kaylee Ariel badge, sorry. And no Simon or River either.


PS I am thinking of making a more accurate screen type badge with a flip down swipe card built in like you see Mal use to try and open the door with. They steal one from the doctor that attack and you can clearly see the swipe part is attached.

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I've had a Kaylee badge up on ebay for over a year, or maybe two now, and Yes simon had one, but No-one has got a good enough image of it, to do a replica as of yet.

Sorry I didn't see this thread, much, much, sooner. :lol
Yes, Simon had a badge for he had to pass as a physician in the hospital to get River back to the medical ship.
