Fett Helmet size differences?

Mega Gigan

Well-Known Member
I was wondering, do we have a size comparison chart between Fett helmets? Is there a difference? I recently purchased a Fett Helmet (it was Sarge's Mystery Helmet) and my friend claimed that it's the same size as his Rubies helmet. I don't own one, but he showed me this picture...


So, now I'm confused. Is there a larger mold somewhere? How tall should it be? Has anyone made larger helmets?
Without going into a whole huge story of everything, I will try and explain. The mystery helmet was based off one of the pre pro or production helmets, if I am not mistaken(forgive me, it has been forever since I recalled the history). So Sarges mystery is gonna be very close to the accurate size. The rubies helmet, a gawdawful helmet, is in no way an accurate helmet in size. I own quite a few helmets, one being a Don post, a SGT Fang, MLC and a Boba Maker.

The SGT fang is bigger than the rubies. Rubies is actually a shrunken down helmet. So, if you got a SGT Fang, you got one fine helmet. I don't have any exact measurements, I think TK409s site may have some more info on that.
You could always PM Sarge, talk to Art Andrews or sign up with his forum, The Dented Helmet. I have a Sarge helmet and a HUGE head. I need to finish that bucket...and my head. Also, isn't that one on the right a DP95 or so?
It's not exactly what you are asking for, but it does help with "lineage"

I hope Art doesn't mind me posting the pic above
And if any info above is incorrect, I apologize for steering you in the wrong direction, and direct you to Art for corrections.
I don't want to go into too much detail, but simply put...your friend is wrong about the Rubies and Mystery Helmet being the same size. That picture you posted is correct.
What would be a "good" helmet for a smaller Fett? The Rubies is a good fit, but... Looking for something that size but better construction.

Bonded Hawk
The Mystery Helmet and the Rubies Helmet are not the same size. I'm a little confused by the picture he sent you. It shows the Mystery Helmet next to the Rubies and they are obviously not the same size. :confused
So, was there more than one "Lava Helmet" made? If not, then that's the exact one I cleaned up for the original "Mystery Helmet" pattern. When I got it years ago, I remember that exact mold line, damage, and everything.


slave1pilot that is a wicked bit of boba info. I haven't been over to TDH for awhile, I love finding out stuff like that.
When I think of a "Mystery" helmet I only think of three things. A Marrow Sun, a SgtFang, or a similar cast/recast of either of those two. They are equals in basic form -- identical -- and appeared on eBay around the same time. They are nothing like Rubies or Don Post helmets although some DPs do seem to incorporate some similar concepts from whatever ended up as the Mystery cast. Rubies simply picked up the [undersized] licensed costume/toy helmet market where DP left off.

S1P's image is a red-x for me, so I don't know if he's talking classic black "Lava" or just a lineage chart. I have seen other so-called "Lava" children, but there must be something degenerative in the genes because they get worse and worse every time I see one, haha. Yet an actual "Lava" is actually somewhat different than both the 'Fang or a Marrow Sun. The "Lava" shows more direct characteristics of the original helmet (from horrible molding conditions) whereas the Mystery line shows modifications on top of what the "Lava" showed; i.e. Sarge and MS got a hold of helmet copies that were casts of a modified buck made based on an original helmet recast of the "Lava" or something related to it since some flaws of the "Lava" seem to be present in the Fang and MS. One pretty standard guess is that the "Lava" is related to the mold that produced the buck that Rogue Studios owns or a product of the mold from which it came, yet made at a later time and/or sloppily and/or with a highly degraded mold. In other words, the 'Fang and MS are still related to an original helmet in many ways and their overall size is very similar, thus making them larger and more accurate than a Rubies or Don Post. Clear as mud?
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Hi.I am not a fett´s helmet expert but I am interested on a MSH(Movie Size Helmet).Anyone know where to find one of these helmets?

Which is the history/origin of this helmet?

Thanks for the help.
I haven't ever seen that chart before. For that fact I didn't even know most of that history, I am glad you posted that.
Hi.I am not a fett´s helmet expert but I am interested on a MSH(Movie Size Helmet).Anyone know where to find one of these helmets?

Which is the history/origin of this helmet?

Thanks for the help.

The "MSH" as it is known in these circles was sculpted by Natty15d (a member here) many years ago and it was ground breaking as the first helmet to really attack the subject of a faithful recreation of Fett's helmet. Only he can say how many he made, but I would guess it was less than twenty before he sold the molds to Fettpride (also a member here). Fettpride's modification upon this sculpt became the MSH2. Thus its history/origin is strictly fan-made. Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I think he later sold those molds as well. I don't know if MSH2 copies are still being made. The Marrow Sun and SgtFang as mentioned above are very close to the original helmet in overall size if you are literally seeking a movie-sized helmet. Otherwise, Master Replica's Fett helmet is probably the most "accurate" outside of a direct cast which is not available for sale.
From what I remember, Natty sought out to create a 'movie sized helmet' by sculpting on top of an existing DP deluxe copy, because at that point in time, it was the belief that the DP deluxe was significantly smaller than the original helmets.

Also the way I remember it was that the MSH helmets ended up being way oversized because of this incorrect belief.

I've gone through almost a dozen variations in my Fett helmet, and have tried to take as many comparison pics as I can. I don't have the whole lineup but, some...

Not the best pic, but this is an MSH2 next to an MS3


and this is an MS1 and a cast of an MR:
