Fallout 4

Quite frankly, I'm a bit pissed the BoS are such ******** in this. :( I mean in F1 and F2, they were a little hard core, but they weren't really quite genocidal ********. In F3 I was happy to see the Lyons way of handling things, sure, still killing Supermutants, but they weren't shaking down farmers for supplies. FNV they were a little rough again, but damn, they're nothing like F4's ********. That Maxson kid grew up to be a ******.

I told those buggers that if they integrated the Brotherhood Outcasts that this sort of nonsense would happen. I'm sure his childhood crush Sarah Lyons is very proud of him... I vote for the Lyon's Pride DLC featuring Sarah throwing the curb stomp on him, with a power armored sidekick who never leaves their power armor *wink wink*.
I cant find dogmeat, I know I sent him somewhere when I took another companion, but I can't remember where.

Cant max out Danse because of a choice I made in a mission weeks ago, so I think the only companions I havent maxed out is Dogmeat and the mayor or Goodneighbour, but I cant seem to get him to talk to me, so god knows how you get him to be a companion.
Dogmeat has been hanging out in Sanctuary in a doghouse since i sent him there. I still have so many companions to finish, i can't get the mayor of goodneighbor to like me enough to open up more. There's a really good GTA5 fallout mod out that i saw online, they even made a working pipboy that they're going to add to and a VATS system.
I told those buggers that if they integrated the Brotherhood Outcasts that this sort of nonsense would happen. I'm sure his childhood crush Sarah Lyons is very proud of him... I vote for the Lyon's Pride DLC featuring Sarah throwing the curb stomp on him, with a power armored sidekick who never leaves their power armor *wink wink*.

Sarah was killed in combat. You can read about it on one of the computers on their ship. It still seems odd that Maxon would allow shaking down farmers after being raised by Elder Lyons.

For me Maccready is bugged because I talked to him after that confrontation and now he will only say generic things and I can't recruit him.
Sarah was killed in combat.


You can read about it on one of the computers on their ship.

Oh, Emily Wong. At least you didn't 'completely' die offscreen. And good lord. What is the deal with everything being explained in terminals? This game is tragically not getting better the more I learn about it. Since when did bullet points become the structure of Fallout storytelling? At least the NCR didn't take kindly to the Courier wearing Legion clothing (and vice versa). But the Institute?

Institute person: The Brotherhood of Steel are a serious threat. We must be careful or else they'll discover our location and plans!
*Player Character is officially a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, has done a number of quests for them directly related to destroying Institute synths and wearing Brotherhood of Steel Power Armor*
Player Character: You're right. We should be careful! Also, thanks for modifying my Pipboy so I can teleport here whenever I want to! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to catch where I'm going to be given full reign of this place.
Macready is bugged for me at literally the end of his freaking mission, you walk up to an item you need his help with and the game suddenly won't recognize it's meant to do something.
I quite like the terminals and holotapes telling all the non-essential backstory. It gives you a genuine feeling of a society that was destroyed long ago and uncovering the remnants left behind piecemeal. As a fan from Fallout 1 this has always been the case to a certain extent. I hate when everything is revealed in dialogue.
I'm just hoping for DLC where you can take over as leadership of the BoS and change it's direction back on a Lyon's path.

God they're douches.
Right, how to I get that thieving Preston out of my power armour? I took it off after doing the castle (to save the core as I explored) and as soon as my back was turned the thieving sod was running about in my flame job power armour...

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If you pickpocket him and steal the powercore he will exit it, Works on raiders with powerarmor aswell.
You should see them in fallout 1.

I've played it. They weren't genocidal ******** shaking down farmers and demanding tribute from them. Were they overly helpful? Not really, but they didn't go out and demand you kill people trying to stamp out slavery. They weren't murdering people (synths) who weren't doing anything to harm them. They were fighting the Super Mutants and occasionally would be helpful but mostly kept to themselves. They're really no different from Caesar's group in F4.

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If you pickpocket him and steal the powercore he will exit it, Works on raiders with powerarmor aswell.

Yeah, but leave the frame when dealing with raider power armor. It permanently counts as 'stolen' so every time you step into it you get counted as stealing again. Take the parts to put on your own frame.
Almost at the end of Curie's relationship arc. Gotta say, I find her to be really bland and I just can't get in to the "relationship". Piper I liked from the start, Cait I really grew to like as she progressed despite not being a fan at first, Curie is kinda just "there". Looking forward to travelling with a different companion again. Might go with Piper again for a while, or try one of the guys.
I wonder why you can't get Curies clothes off, when you can with the rest of the women?

BTW, is anyone higher than level 75, I am worried I may have played this more than anyone on the planet.
They were fighting the Super Mutants and occasionally would be helpful but mostly kept to themselves. They're really no different from Caesar's group in F4.

What the... Who the heck is Caesar? The only Caesar that exists in Fallout is Edward Sallow of Caesar's Legion from Fallout New Vegas. The Legion and the Brotherhood of Steel have have about as much in common with one another as Picard does with Darth Vader.

Stormie said:
You should see them in fallout 1.

Funny story. One of the Brotherhood's strategies in dealing with the Super Mutants doesn't even involve force at all. If you talk to scribe Vree, she explains that all the Super Mutants they've studied have been sterile and that "If we could clean up the mutation sources, we should be able to simply outlive the mutants." And this does more than give you mere backstory. This unlocks new dialogue options with The Master in which the vault dweller, in the depths of his lair, can end this conflict without any violence.

And let's not forget Jacob the BoS and Marcus the Super Mutant. The two slugged it out with one another until both came to the conclusion that fighting was pointless. The two became good friends which is still felt all the way into New Vegas.

But the Brotherhood in Fallout 4? They want you to NUKE A WHOLE INSTITUTE and murder civilians who want to give enslaved, self-aware machines the ability to choose. If you side with the Railroad, the only reason they take action against the Brotherhood at all is because the Brotherhood attacked first. Now this doesn't leave the other factions off the hook (Although the Minute Men are as closest to being the good guys overall), but the BoS have changed dramatically in Fallout 4. They're arrogant, close-minded, cruel and misguided. Maxson wasn't in this for the well being of the world. He was in it for the glory.
Almost at the end of Curie's relationship arc. Gotta say, I find her to be really bland and I just can't get in to the "relationship". Piper I liked from the start, Cait I really grew to like as she progressed despite not being a fan at first, Curie is kinda just "there". Looking forward to travelling with a different companion again. Might go with Piper again for a while, or try one of the guys.
What are you talking about? Curie is one of the most well developed characters in the game. Her back story in Vault 81 is so sad, especially when you realize those three lockers on the ground aren't there because they were knocked down. Her drive to become more human was one of those rare moments where a machine that was seeking to become human wasn't doing it for selfless reasons, like Data from Star Trek. She believed that being more human would give her the drive to excel in her medical field that could one day benefit everyone in the world. The way she discovers her newly found emotions doesn't change her perspective on the world, but further solidifies it. Even if you romance her, she will leave you if your ways doesn't match hers. i.e. helping people.

Piper was good, but she had about as much character as a one-shot guest star on any show period. What you get is good, but it's not that much. I mean, where's the option of having her sister move in with us? I'd sooner have that option than having freaking Shaun (SHAUN!!!!!!!) move in.

In conclusion, I <3 Curie. Her good natured determination to do good in a world gone to heck was way more encouraging than anything Preston ever said.
The BOS situation kinda makes sense in that they've grown/changed as a group in the 100 plus years since the original game and sadly that's taken them even further from what the original founder had in mind. I already question if he really wrote half the stuff they believe or if the folks after him modified it to fit their needs and interests. The modern Maxson has pretty much turned the group into the Enclave in order to fight groups like the Enclave, i think he's a product of what he saw growing up and not what he was taught about compassion by the Lions.
I agree I'd rather have Piper and her sister around then Shaun, and wasn't the game supposed to randomly name the kid yet everyone gets the same name that was in the demo? And how about randomly having it be a daughter? I wish they'd added more story to Curie after she got a body to follow her struggling to get used to it instead of a few sentences she randomly says. This game has very little humor that her adjusting could have added, honestly it's missing the dark humor that made the franchise in the first place too.
None of the sidekicks are overly well developed including the one from Fallout 3, he doesn't even mention our character from that game and he/she saved Lamplight's citizens. Another thing that bothers me is that you see all these prewar robots getting personalities and working outside their original programming but nobody ever mentions it.
I mean a giant sentrybot that thinks it's a ship's captain? Nobody thinks this is odd given most of them are dumb as bricks? There were so many chances at funny or just goofy stuff they could have done as minor back stories. They added so many small things about life after the bombs and what it was like surviving but some chances at good stories got so ignored.
Shouldn't our character have had more trouble adjusting to the world having ended suddenly, or talk more about the fact he/she is apparently a war hero who was to give a speech locally, or even maybe have some flashbacks to the war or life before hand? I know alot of these are tropes but sometimes you need the tropes to help move things along. I'm hoping that when DLC comes out they'll have additional quests for each of the companions, maybe flesh out their stories more somehow. It'd be a neat trend instead of adding more companions.
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What are you talking about? Curie is one of the most well developed characters in the game. Her back story in Vault 81 is so sad, especially when you realize those three lockers on the ground aren't there because they were knocked down.

Oh, I got that. Lots of potential that was wasted IMHO. The graves were very obvious. One of the most well developed characters though? :lol:lol:lol

Her drive to become more human was one of those rare moments where a machine that was seeking to become human wasn't doing it for selfless reasons, like Data from Star Trek. She believed that being more human would give her the drive to excel in her medical field that could one day benefit everyone in the world. The way she discovers her newly found emotions doesn't change her perspective on the world, but further solidifies it.

I think that might be the issue for me. She's like a less developed Data, and there was no struggle to get there. One day she just says "I want a human body" and you say "okay, I know this doctor". No arc, it was boring. Add to that the bad accent and the lack of genuine personality (she's very 2-dimensional, doesn't change at all) it's a very thin coat that got old almost immediately for me. LOADS of potential and if there was a bigger struggle to get her a body then maybe I'd care, but I don't. As I said, I didn't like Cait at first and her "likes" are different from my play style but she's got a tragic story and a great arc so I ended up really liking her. Thus far Curie is the only companion that I feel like when I click the romance option it'll just be for the perk.

Even if you romance her, she will leave you if your ways doesn't match hers. i.e. helping people.

Every character does that, most for the exact same reason. Piper is all about uncovering the truth and helping people. Preston is about helping people. Etc.

Piper was good, but she had about as much character as a one-shot guest star on any show period. What you get is good, but it's not that much.

Whereas I see her as having a much better story than Curie. She wants you to help people and has spent her life as an outcast because of that helping. She's very caring, is worried for her family (although I agree, you should be able to have her sister live with you), and has actual personality. The whole "I'm getting used to this whole feelings thing" got old about two conversations in with Curie.

In conclusion, I <3 Curie. Her good natured determination to do good in a world gone to heck was way more encouraging than anything Preston ever said.

Preston might just be the only character more bland than Curie, I'll give you that. But I swear, if I have to hear Curie say "they should be embarrassed by this mess" one more time I'm going to put her down myself. Fact is, with the exception of a couple companions they all want to do good in a world gone to heck. With Curie though I don't even get the sense that she overly cares to help people, just to be a great scientist. Like in the mission where I had to decide what to do with the Deathclaw egg. I did what I thought to be the right thing which was return it to the nest, the proper owner and the creature whose child was stolen from them. Curie disliked that, she wanted me to give it to the robot waiter to cook and serve as a delicacy. Real nice.

Of course you're free to like whomever you want though, and it's cool that you made a connection with that character. As for me though? Weakest companion that I've traveled with thus far.
I wish they'd let us tear up the stuff in Vault 111 since it's of no use after the start of the game. I keep finding all this new tech including fancier armor repair stands but none of it you can access to build with. I'd really like an armor display like that t51b you get from the the Anchorage DLC in F3.
Piper was good, but she had about as much character as a one-shot guest star on any show period. What you get is good, but it's not that much. I mean, where's the option of having her sister move in with us? I'd sooner have that option than having freaking Shaun (SHAUN!!!!!!!) move in.

:lol That's what I keep thinking. "So you're just okay with your little sister staying by herself?"

BTW, does no one on the East coast know how to use a wheel? Remember in NV they even had carts the caravans used. After 200 years I would even expect some type of vehicle to be in use. They apparently have fusion cores and other nuclear power sources still active so there's no reason they couldn't build a new vehicle.
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That's one thing that bothered me since Fallout 2: there's all these vehicles with fusion cores in them that explode but there isn't a single motorcycle on the road? I know the roads are bad but there's repairable military vehicles all around that nobody's tried to salvage. I've seen at least a half dozen vertibirds that crashed during the war but nobody has torn apart.