Enterprise D 1/1400

Darth Penguin

Active Member
Hi all
So this is my second post here. Like my first this is a kit that I started ages ago, actually half a lifetime ago (18 years) - I found it in my parents attic so have restarted it.
So what is the plan?
  • lighting - using various LEDs and simply cutting open the windows
  • possible removable saucer section, my plan is to use those really strong magnets to hold the sections together, but I will let you know about that one
  • after market decals
  • after market pieces including bussard scoops

When I looked at the kit again I realised that I had cut out some of the windows, unfortunately not very well in some cases, but ho hum.

So I carried on cutting them out in the saucer section, got the technique pretty well sorted by the end. Make sure you use a grinding bit to remove some of the plastic on the inside, makes the job just about possible. I then sprayed with matt black enamel paint. Over that I used a chrome paint which is lovely and shiny. Hopefully this will help with minimising light leaks and making the windows light up evenly. Only time will tell.
Here is the saucer section with the windows cut.
More to follow soon!
Try gloss white instead of chrome paint on the inside. It diffuses the light insode more evenly, chrome can look a little source-y. Good luck with your build.
Hi all
Well here is the next update.
I have been doing a bit of work on the nacelles. I used a grinding bit to get rid of all the excess plastic on the inside. I then used blue LED strips for the lighting. I split them into sections and used the adhesive backing to secure them in place. I also cut a bulkhead out of sheet styrene and put 3 red 3mm LEDs into that for the bussard scoop. The red LEDs were wired in series with a 330R protection resistor and the whole thing was wired in parallel with the blue strips. I am using a 12V supply, which is what the blue strip operates on, makes life easy.
Here are a couple of pictures showing the progress. I will get some with the lights on soon.IMG_0138.JPGIMG_0139.JPGIMG_0140.JPGIMG_0141.jpgIMG_0142.JPG
I have one of these kits in a similar state. Its been sitting for years and I also had started cutting out windows on the saucer section, even had some small fluorescent tubes and ballasts that I was going to use in the nacelles. I may have to resurrect it with LED lighting. I look forward to seeing yours lit and will follow your progress
So, time for an update.
I have been working hard on the saucer section.
Step one - cut lots of windows.
I did some of these years ago, and they are not all totally straight, oh well, it will still look cool (I hope).
I then built a little wall like thing to mount the white LED strip on. This was on the lower section of the saucer.
Both halves were then given the shiny chrome treatment to stop light leaks and reflect the light from the LEDs.
Once this was all dry I attached the LED strip to the wall. This was done on both sides and I was pretty happy with the light level from it.
I also attached 3mm LEDs for the formation lights and used 1mm fibre optic to get the light to where it was needed.
On the outside of the saucer I removed all the raised panel lines. I did this for two reasons.
1 - it would make the AZTEC decals a pain to put on
2 - I figured by the 23rd century they were able to make their weld lines less than a meter high!
Here are a couple of pics of the saucer being tested. It is not light sealed at this stage, and the fibre optics are too long, but you get the idea.
Hopefully I will get a post up about the battle hull shortly.
Any comments welcomed!
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