I gotta say, I watched Sky High again a couple of days ago. Man, I still love that movie!!!
thanks JT and you too Mike -
I have to say the best thing about Sky High is most of the kids who went to see it 6 years ago were around 12 or 13 - now they are 18. You have no idea how many 18yr old girls I've met who get all gaga over the fact I wrote that movie. "That was my favorite movie when I was a kid!!!" My wife doesn't find it as amusing as I do.:lol
I still wish they had made my Hero script - The basics where the same -
Agent is killed
Guy named Charlie who runs a mom and pop grocery store (I was going for a John Denver type of character from Oh God) is chosen for the suit
Charlie's ex wife is engaged to a rich guy named Vincent (picture a Sam Neil's Damien Thorn), who is on the cover of Time magazine - his story is he started with nothing and now has an Empire - speculation is he is running for President next.
Charlie accidentally sets his house on fire trying out the suit (leaves the instruction book behind).
He teams up with the dead agent's partner (a female fed) who we find out was actually planning on marrying her ex partner.
She and Charlie are captured by the bad guys who killed her ex partner.
Turns out Vincent is the head of the bad guys. He has Charlie's instruction book.
Charlie learns Vincent has a suit too, but the power has corrupted him, that's how he attained his fortune.
Vincent tells Charlie about the others before them "Before me, it was a girl named Hathoway, before her, a schoolteacher named Hinkley -- the green guys have been doing this for a long time."
Vincent also lets Charlie know that if he had read his instruction book he could have taken Vincent out without a problem - Charlie's suit is much more powerful. Vincent destroys Charlie's instruction book.
Charlie gets his suit back (thanks to his partner) and has to fight Vincent - who has total control of his suit, while Charlie is in kindergarden with his.
Charlie does defeat Vincent
the Aliens return and ask Charlie and his partner if they want the responsibility of saving the planet.
Charlie says he'll do it, but he doesn't want the instruction book. That way, he'll always be on the defensive and it'll limit his power and keep him from going corrupt.
That's the basics of what I turned in - and as I said - the studio loved it. I was the first who suggested Owen Wilson to play Charlie, he was sent the script and in talking to him years later I learned he called the studio and said "I'm there!". Sigh. Such a heartbreak. It was such a high to get to work on the one show that inspired you to get into the business in the first place. The project is at FOX now - I have no idea how the script reads.