Question Edit Stamp Not Working (answered)

Too Much Garlic

Master Member
I've found that in a lot of instances the editing stamp "member edited post at this time and this many times" don't always show up in the post, which is suspect when it's a marker to show if and when a post has been edited.

Is this a glitch?
Can you show an example?
I know for me if I can quick change within a minute of posting, I can edit and not have the time stamp show. If I click new posts, or close that post window, I will see it.

Edit: This was an edit after posting.

Edit 2: This is after closing out and coming back to my post. Under one minute.

Edit 3: Two minutes later.

Edit 4: Sorry for hijacking, Carsten, gonna fill in the "Reason for Editing" thing...
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Qui, I am not sure if that is what Carsten is referring to or not, but you are right. From the time of posting, you have a couple of minutes to edit your post without the edit notice appearing. This is in place if you make a post and then realize something didn't quite come out as intended.
Qui, no hi-jacking at all. It's exactly what I'm talking about. My point is just that I've been able to do it on posts that are several minutes old AND have replies following it... not certain if it works on older posts... but it seems rather random. Honestly, I'd prefer it came on the moment you post it the first time and decides to edit, so all know when and why it was changed.
My only edit seemed to be three minutes later AFTER filling in the reason for editing box.

Edit: Testing the reason for editing.
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So, it looks like you have a time limit to edit without it showing up, but if you edit quickly and give a reason in the box below, it will give you the time for editing.
Yeah... I just never bother with the reason. But is it set in the code how long before the stamp appears on its own when editing?
Yeah... I just never bother with the reason. But is it set in the code how long before the stamp appears on its own when editing?

It is something we set and are probably not going to change as it allows someone a few minutes to correct mistakes. Beyond those first few minutes, you will get an edit stamp. Can it be abused? Sure... just like almost everything else, but we don't see that happening too often, plus we now keep a record of edits for anyone who tries to use the edit feature to hide something they have said.
I've used it for typos, but anymore....pfft. I live and die by them. Muahahahahahaaaaa! At least we know there is a time limit, Carsten.
i use the edit button all the time, my grammer is apauling.

never noticed the time stamp thing......