Edible Christmas Prop!


Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
For the last couple years, my wife and I have been bringing offbeat dishes over to our in-laws for the annual Christmas eve party. This year I made traditional British Christmas pudding complete with burning brandy and a sprig of real holly on top. Two people out of 10 or more had the nerve to actually try it. :angry

So, after fuming most of the rest of Christmas Eve and Day, I've decided if they thought THAT was weird, I'm gonna REALLY blow their socks off next year, I'm gonna make ROAST BEAST! :lol

Right now, I'm picturing it as either a large, sculpted meat loaf, with a wire with the ground beef molded around it for the tail, or maybe sort of a "hybrid" dish with a big ham for the body, turkey legs on the sides, etc.

In the cartoon, the beast itself changes from scene to scene at least once, so I've got a little creative leeway

Anyone have any screen grabs of the movie beast? :)


This year I made traditional British Christmas pudding complete with burning brandy and a sprig of real holly on top.

Er..you might want to call those two people, since holly contains the toxic compound Ilicin. You probably didn't administer a lethal dose, since over a day has passed, but even trace amounts can trigger a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

The only reason I'm aware of it's toxicity is because our dog chewed some leaves a few years ago. He survived, although it was a miserable experience for a few days, but the vet noted that we were lucky he hadn't ingested any of the berries.

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It wasn't mixed in or anything- it was just poked in at the very top-


Er..you might want to call those two people, since holly contains the toxic compound Ilicin. You probably didn't administer a lethal dose, since over a day has passed, but even trace amounts can trigger a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

The only reason I'm aware of it's toxicity is because our dog chewed some leaves a few years ago. He survived, although it was a miserable experience for a few days, but the vet noted that we were lucky he hadn't ingested any of the berries.


Oh- I wanted to ask- where did you even FIND real holly? We get poinsettas out the wazoo at all the stores around here at Christmas time, but the only holly I can ever find is the plastic stuff. To get mine, I had to do a stealthy "drive-by pruning" on a bush in front of a local strip mall! :lol

Wow- who knew we'd been eating props at Christmas all these years?

Sure! It figures very prominently in every version of "A Christmas Carol" ever filmed. :p (I've got like 7 versions on DVD)

Anyway, I've been wanting to try one for at least the last 10 years. :D

Oh- I wanted to ask- where did you even FIND real holly? We get poinsettas out the wazoo at all the stores around here at Christmas time, but the only holly I can ever find is the plastic stuff. To get mine, I had to do a stealthy "drive-by pruning" on a bush in front of a local strip mall! :lol


Upstate New York has been home to massive commercial holly growing operations since the late 50's. They grow dozen of species for export across the country, ranging from traditional English holly to exotics with berries that are every color of the rainbow. Our local bird population has been doing it's best to spread all those species across the state for close to three decades.

If you want a garden filled with exotic plants around here all you have to do is set up a bird feeder and the seeds will come to you. :confused

Wow - I didn't realise you folks didn't have Christmas pud over there!

We don't! But there are a few holdouts over here who enjoy the occasional flavor of the Isles. My particular crutch is Yorkshire Pudding....<homer>drooool</homer>
Here's the recipe I (mostly) went by-


"Sultanas" are just raisins made from white grapes (sold as "Golden Raisins") Suet is plain old shortening, plus I also threw in 4 oz. of chopped dates. :)

...and don't forget the brandy butter!

Brandy Butter
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup superfine sugar
  • 5-6 tablespoons brandy
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Makes 3/4 cup
To serve, you want to have the pudding fairly soaked with brandy before you top with the brandy butter. Once you have it topped, pre-warm (NOT hot or you'll evaporate off the alcohol) about 1 more cup of brandy and pour evenly on the whole thing. Set it all alight and make a big to do. when the fire goes out, it's fully done, and ready to serve. You can also tell the tea-totalers present that all the alcohol has burned off so they can eat it. (probably not "all", but enough that they'll get a few bites down before they realize it hasn't) :D

So does anyone have any ideas/ suggestions for the Roast Beast?


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The rost beast actually looks like a real world food. But I can't...oh wait! Where's my dog...?