Early Millennium Falcon Pics

Does anyone have exact measurments/dimensions for the round vents that sit on top of the engine deck of the 32" Falcon?If I can get it and pass the info along, Stu will make a master and I can/will cast the parts for all of those who want/need it?
Hey,anyone?Does anyone have the measurements/dimensions for the round vents that sit on the engine deck?I've been talking with Stu and if he can get those numbers and details he will make a "master" I will make a mold of it and produce castings for anyone who wants/needs them.
Building the 5' Millennium Falcon

Some pics I took last weekend. Whew!

Still need to rework a few things, but getting there.


I havent glued down the pieces yet, just doing some measurement trials

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That is sweeeet. Nice work. What plans did you use to do your base plan?

I was able to get enough of the essential kits used to determine specific measurements. So far I've been able to collect around 85 kits and more on the way (over 250 individual cast and noncast greebles) to extrapolate the correct size. Luckily kits like the large scale bandai's and tamiyas have an enormous amount of parts used.

I also took about 400 pics of the 5 footer when it was in LA.
Used these pics alot.
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J the blue part is from the Tamiya 1/20 BT46. The pink, hmm look like 1/12 F1 for sure, cylinder body (suspension bulkheads) type such as the Lotus?
Havent got the time to check properly right now bud.

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Thanks lee.

Im wondering, because the tamiya 1/20 part is not painted in a consecutive color, if it was added on as part of a restoration project and not the original piece.
Id say you would be right, as i dont think the BT46 was around when they originally built her, way too early, im sure the '46 was an early 80's F1.

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