e3 2014 mass effect 4 trailer

Well, forget facial and walking animations. Take a look at this Krogan vs. Krogan sequence.

So that's how to take down a hardened Krogan. Just a few punches with some very short arms. Wouldn't this have been better played out if she simply charged at him with a massive headbutt? Isn't that what the Krogan are famous for? Shepard could head butt a Krogan. Matriarch Aethyta, who's father was a Krogan, always handled situations with a headbutt. There's footage!

Oh, look over there! It's Kei Leng killing a Krogan by stabbing it in the back with a knife!
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This cropped up on BioWare's twitter feed an hour ago.


So what do you think? Will BioWare go the polishing route and make the game look and play like a AAA title, or are they going Arkham Origins by ignoring the problems and focusing on releasing DLC?
With Mac and the other upper level hacks in charge it's probably going DLC route. Kadara is a horribly designed area, you literally can't do any side missions until you a main mission which i'm trying not to do so i can focus on side missions. This is going to sound odd by why doesn't Bioware let us have more than romance going, have it an option for us to date 2 or more people and them be okay with it. Cause this mass effect is almost a captain kirk simulator with flirting going on even with minor characters.
Never let it be said that even in their weakest entries, BioWare can't deliver unexpectedly good moments. This moment between Sara and Vetra for example reveals a side of the Turians that I don't think the previous entries had done before and it's very well done. And ironically enough, it's all in the animation.

At 1:03, Ryder initiates the romantic dialogue option and Vetra begins to show signs of interest in Ryder.

I honestly don't recall Garrus widening his mandibles like that in ME2 or 3. It's a nice unexpected moment that plays on what makes her different. Is this the Turians way of smiling, or blushing?
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I'm kinda disappointed that only one twin is awake the entire game so far. It's like they use it as just an excuse to have a male or female instead of giving it the Shep treatment where you just choose. I'm romancing peebee and she's living in my room but so far no steamy romance scenes. I have to play 2 more times to get a trophy for romances.

Edit: The game has a huge twist in it and appearances by folks mention in the other games but not seen. It's like the game was written by 2 teams with the first half being blah but the second half around when you do loyalty missions picks up a bit. Also tried the apex strike teams, you can send fake teams out to do them so you don't need ps plus. Much like fallout 4 by the time you get to the halfway point you're basically a walking god even on normal. I've actually nearly got my guy totally powered up.
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BioWare just released patch notes for 1.0.5. and so far it's looking good.

Patch 1.05 Notes

Improved tutorial placement
(Are those the messages telling me that I can slow down the Nomad by pressing the "S" key every time I do something?)

Increased inventory limits
(Good. Inventory space is ludicrous anyways. Only a handful of games have ever gotten it right.)

Single player balance changes: Ammo crates, armor, weapons, nomad, profiles, attacks, and progression

Multiplayer balance changes: Weapons, cover, and enemies (check back for detailed notes on balance changes)

Improved matchmaking and latency in multiplayer

Added option to skip autopilot sequences in the galaxy map
(This is a big hurdle that I mentioned a couple of posts ago. While pretty looking and good for the first few times, it gets boring really fast.)

Decreased the cost of remnant decryption keys and made them more accessible at merchants
(Ya. When the decryption solutions are super easy to find online, you're not presenting much of a viable alternative if you make the keys to solving them incredibly expensive.)

Improved logic, timing, and continuity for relationships and story arcs

Improved lip-sync and facial acting during conversations, including localized VO
(Definitely the #1 fix everyone will be paying close attention to.)

Fixed an issue with Ryder’s movements when running in a zig zag pattern

Improved the appearance of eyes for human and asari characters
(No more tired faces? Aww.)

Fixed various collision issues

Fixed bugs where music or VO wouldn’t play or wasn’t correct
(I was starting to wonder where all the music went. This game is pretty spare on music in general.)

Fixed issue where global squad mate banter sometimes wasn’t firing on UNCs

Fixed issue where player was unable to access the Remnant Console Interface after failing decryption multiple times
(I had this problem. Had to re-launch the game in order to rectify the issue.)

Fixed issue where fast travel is sometimes disabled after recruiting Drack until the player reloads a save

Fixed issue where Ryder can become stuck in the start of Biotic Charge Pose

Fixes issues related to some saves

Fixed issue where objective sometimes becomes un-interactable for players in multiplayer

Streaming and stability improvements​

Now all we need is Sara Ryder's face being fixed and/or giving the character customization feature A LOT MORE FEATURES.
I'm glad we can skip the take off and landing stuff. Why do we even have to leave the planet just to get on the ship? The SR1 and 2 never left a location just so you could walk onto it. Wish they'd let us fast track the romancing too. Anyone else have audio issues where the voices just fade away or don't happen at all. I have the subtitles on out of habit and they never synch to the talking.


Sums it up well. Warning there is some language.
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Today I learned that you cannot start the game if your internet provider has an outage in your area. The best part is when you do a search for "how to play Mass Effect Andromeda offline" and the first few results are "Andromeda offline mode confirmed!", based on a Twitter post back in November.

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That's odd the only part that shouldn't work is the pvp stuff. That's EA for you shoved always online crap at us, it's why simcity failed badly.
Well, I finally figured it out. Crazy me, looking for "Mass effect Andromeda offline mode" when I should have been looking for "origin offline mode."

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Oh you got the PC version, i'm so used to the console version. Origin is the second most evil DRM system next to steam.
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