Dr. Horrible Goggles


Sr Member
This was just a quickie thing I made for fun, and am on the hunt for the right kind of goggles, hoping anyone might know which ones I really need.





I'm a big Whedon fan, and like I said, these were made on a whim.

Thanks for looking.
lol awesome! see the free paper prop thread (#3) for Dr. Horrible paper props. got the Horrible Van Remote and I'm about to put up my Bad Horse Letter :p
Those actually look really cool. :) The proper ones seem really hard to find - they appear to be a style that has been discontinued (6 vents and semi-circular - i.e. not triangular like yours - finger tabs to flip up the eyepiece). Would love some myself if they can be tracked down.
Actually, the vents are half circles. I found the proper goggles, and they aren't 6 vents. They made two holes and put 2 more vents on the goggles.

As far as making the rest of the costume, not for me. I'm way too porky to even think of pulling off Doctor Horrible.

I actually have a pair of the same kind of welding gloves he wears.



I've had these gloves for about 10 years or so. With a little cleaning, they could be Dr. Horrible Gloves.
I've been thinking about picking up goggles like those since I'm just about blind without my glasses.

Would I get those at a specialty place or just any hardware store? seems like a silly question, but I'm pretty much a noob in this area.