Dollar Store Lightsaber Build #20


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of the supplies I used


A couple of WIP pics. The crystal was made from the red scissors using my trusty Dremel. The red plastic screw in the scissors was painted and used. The Plastic flashlight was again modified using my Dremel. The Stand was made from the same dollar store products (CD cases) , but ran out of time and had to concentrate on the saber as a result the stand is not how I wanted it.


Finished saber
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I wanted to do a display/charger stand with the bits left over but ran out of time.
Seeing the crystal in the scissors was great, I am no good at subtractive art.
Thanks I guys I still consider this saber a WIP. I'm still adding and changing things and will post more pics here when I get the time. I got 8th place in the contest btw and I just wanted to thank the people who voted for me.
Great saber Grundy, this is by far my favourite from the contest.

I love what you did with that antique timer. The exposed neck area with crystal is what really caught my eye initially and I like the added touches of red throughout the build. The weathering looks great too and adds a depth of realism.

Keep us posted as you continue to work on it. :)
Great saber Grundy, this is by far my favourite from the contest.

I love what you did with that antique timer. The exposed neck area with crystal is what really caught my eye initially and I like the added touches of red throughout the build. The weathering looks great too and adds a depth of realism.

Keep us posted as you continue to work on it. :)

Thanks that's a great compliment because there were some great sabers in the contest. The original intent with the crystal was to have it semi enclosed with some of the CD case plastic with a red tint (like the stand I made) but once I got it on I decided I didn't like the look and took it back off. I wanted to give the saber an ancient look hence the weathering. I actually have a sort of back-story for my saber I'll be posting later. The red touches throughout the saber you are referring to were meant to show this is a sith saber. I don't know if people caught that it was supposed to be a sith saber or not. This was my first saber build and the only saber I have in my collection, but maybe not the last. Anyway thanks again and check this thread from time to time as I'll have some updates.