D'oh! Painted sculpee w/ krylon spray.. wont dry...


Well-Known Member
I thought if I primed it it would work.. Nope :(

Anyhow, I painted a sculpee sculpture with krylon, now its a sticky mess.. Do I have any hope, or should i seal it with a clearcoat and just hope for the best???

Anyone have any suggestions?

(It is for a prop replica)
Some resin items I've painted with Krylon take days to fully dry; I presume that solvents have to outgas/evaporate. Set the item aside and check in middle of next week to see if it's improved.
Wash it off with whatever takes off Krylon and use ONLY acrylic paints. Use an acrylic sealer to hold the paint on and prevent chipping.
Ok, silly question but I need to ask: did you already bake the Sculpey to cure it before painting it, or did you paint it while still soft?

I've cured Sculpey in the past, and primered / painted with Krylon with no problems.
The sculpey was baked,.. I think, as I research, they I didnt let the paint dry enough before adding a second coat (and third, fourth) I might try to just leave it alone for a few days and see if it hardens.. Its hardened in some spots just overnight...

Wish me luck ;)
you could also put it in the oven at a very low temp for a day or hit it with a hairdryer for several hours. I'm sure it will eventually dry if the sculpet was baked. I've painted sculpey with all kinds of paint before...
Wash it off with whatever takes off Krylon and use ONLY acrylic paints. Use an acrylic sealer to hold the paint on and prevent chipping.
That may destroy the sculpey.

Hit it with the blow-dryer. Don't use an oven you use for cooking EVER when you have painted it.

For the most part... you are risking the original sculpt if you try to paint it.

So far, it seems to be self hardening! Hopefully by tomorrow it will be good to go and not retain any tackiness!!
Sounds like you'll be okay with time. Maybe you were being heavy handed with your coats. Temperature and humidity can also influence the dry time. This time of year (where I am anyway) I always have to consider the cooler temperatures.
I hope it all works out for you.
After it's continued to dry for a few days, would a light coat of Testors Dulcote help at all? I use it on action figures that I've modified with Sculpy all the time, but I don't know how the Krylon would react with it.
I'd strongly recommend against putting anything like that back in an oven. Sculpy puts off some pretty toxic fumes. Most folk don't notice because they've got good oven ventilation--or do small items.

I learned this the hard/stupid way doing batches of larger sculps, in an ancient apartment with terrible ventilation. Long story short: roommate and I had to evacuate the apartment, throw all the windows open and walk it off outside for an hour in the middle of winter. I made us both terribly sick, had to call poison control. It was a mess.

I'd hate to think what kind of combined fumes would be created from Sculpy and Krylon.
Fill a plastic bag full of cornstarch and seal the item in side. Shake and bake for a few days and it should leech the oils out.

Don't really bake it though. ;)