Doctor Who: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink


Master Member
I've been having a marathon Who rewatch session recently, and I thought it would be cool to have a shot at reproducing Sally's weeping angel dossier from Blink.

At the end of the episode we see this folder that Sally has put together a year after the events that happened in the episode. When The Doctor appears outside her shop she realises that it is the basis of how he knows what has happened to her, and the conversation they had via DVD in the past (the legendary timey-wimey stuff)

When Larry looks at the dossier, we can see it contains some of the pictures Sally took at Wester Drumlins at the start of the episode, the letter and photos from Kathy, and presumably the transcript of the DVD conversation and Larry's list of DVD easter eggs:



I decided to start by reproducing the old letter and photos that are delivered to Sally by Kathy's grandson:





I created the letter and envelope in Adobe Illustrator. The contents of the letter came from screencaps, the script and my own imagination, filling in the logical gaps in what was shown in the epidode. They were then printed out and aged in the oven.


To create the old photos of Kathy and her family, I took screencaps into Photoshop, cropped and cleaned them up, and painted in missing details.

They were then professionally printed in various sizes and finishes based on the caps. Finally I attached the wedding pic to a custom mount and weathered them based on the caps.



Next up: Sally's photos and documents :)
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Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

great idea! cool prop from one of the best eps!!
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

Thanks guys, I haven't done too many paper props, so this has been a fun project :)

The next set of pics I reproduced were based on the photos Sally takes at the beginning. The only ones seen on screen are the angel covering its face and one that she's cut the head off!

For the first one I used a cleaned up and repainted screen-grab. For The headless angel I used a pic I shot at one of the Dr Who exhibitions of the original statue, again fixed in photoshop to match the one seen on screen.

I then added some more pics from screenshots(another angel and a fragment of the Doctor's message on the wall) along with a picture I found online of the exterior of the building used for the Wester Drumlins shoot.


The documents are a transcription of the conversation between Sally and the Doctor, and the list of DVDs that Sally owns containing the Easter Eggs. The list isn't really seen, so I recreated the Bantos DVD shop logo in Illustrator, and made it up to look like a letter-head.

The BBC art department actually created around 11 fake DVD covers for the episode, so I used those titles, along with some I made up!


Creating the folder:



For the final part of the prop, I've let might imagination loose on what else I think might have been in there...stuff that helps tell Sally's story to the Doctor and give him a few clues about what's to come...

Should be finished in a day or two :)
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

Wow, this is rare. A Doctor Who paper prop. Good job!
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

This is great, however wasn't the dialogue from Sally written in by Larry in shorthand in the transcript??? I remember Sally wracking her brain trying to figure out how the Doctor got the transcript, but I wasn't under the impression they typed Sally's dialogue out...

Other than that tidbit I'm a bit jealous LOL
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

Well, I don't know shorthand, and I figured that Sally probably wouldn't either!
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

Eh, either way dude, you've done a rockin' job :)
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

Looking forward to seeing this Birdie, its spectacular. Well done mate.:thumbsup
Re: Doctor Wh: Sally Sparrow's Weeping Angels Dossier from Blink

This looks great! Is there any chance you'll be putting the files up for grabs?
I may do a run of finished folders, should have the final pieces done by tomorrow.
I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about what else might be in Sally's folder, and come up with a few bits and pieces :)

Surely Billy Shipton would be missed?




The newspaper cuttings were created in Photoshop then printed out on newsprint paper, with stuff on the back as well. Accidentally used the marked up version here, before anyone point it out. Old subs never die

For the artist's impression of Sally I used a website where you can create 'photofits'. Pretty basic, but then those things are usually pretty terrible anyway. The missing person poster was based on a real one I found on the web. Would Sally swipe one of these? Dunno, but I needed something to clip the cuttings to.

Searching the net would be a logical move for Sally, and gave me the idea of coming up with a fake 'lost book' Wiki page for the Weeping Angel's book that the 11th Doctor discovers in Time of Angels.


Timey-Wimey stuff, on parchment paper


Last, but not least, a Bantos DVD of the Doctor's video. This is a real working disk, containing the Doctor's half of the Wester Drumlins conversation.





Wow, this looks great!
Are you doing a run? If so, what price are you thinking?

I'll put up an interest thread tomorrow, can't quote prices in this thread, but I'll be offering it as a finished prop as seen here, or all the document and graphic files on DVD at a lower price.
Any chance of you offering the DVD + case without the rest of the folder?

I'd love to have one sitting on my DVD shelf.

I'll put up an interest thread tomorrow, can't quote prices in this thread, but I'll be offering it as a finished prop as seen here, or all the document and graphic files on DVD at a lower price.