Doctor Who Psychic Paper Scratch Build. Tutorial and templates added!

protokev DMD

Sr Member
Well I forgot my psychic paper at my apartment, over three hours away, and I plan to debut my blue suit ten this weekend at c2e2. So I had to get crafty.

Thanks to Risu for dimensions

First: supplies

I got this journal at Target, it has a nice leathery outside, and shiny fabric inside


This is a binder that had a clear laminate cover

And of course some black thread and needles

First I tore apart the binder

Using the dimensions I created templates in photoshop (sadly I didn't save the file)

Then I cut out the pieces
One large leather
The inside nylon
Two pieces of cardboard
The pocket triangle
And the laminate

Then it was assembly
I first used white glue to attach the cardboard pieces. I used the templates to help with positioning. I then glued the fabric in. Next came the sewing. Now I'm now seamster so it's not pretty. To help I first went through and used a lager needle to pierce the holes in the pieces. For the overlap I pinned it in place first then pierced through all layers. The I sewed it up. I'm not happy with the corners but for ~6 hours of work, it will do



Finally I measured the area for the paper, photoshopped an appropriately sized rectangle, printed, cut and inserted

And thats about it. I will see about uploading a template later.
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Re: Doctor Who Psychic Paper Scratch Build

another better picture

with the laminate system i can also do this (printer ran out of color hence the purplish hue)

as promised templates, 1:1 should do it.
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Re: Doctor Who Psychic Paper Scratch Build

This was awesome! Think you can recreate the template?

EDIT: So yeah, you got the template in here right before I posted xD
Re: Doctor Who Psychic Paper Scratch Build

The benefits of a time machine, i can answer questions right before you ask :p

So i am a stickler and made a decent fix on the corners. Still not perfect but better.

Re: Doctor Who Psychic Paper Scratch Build

That looks amazing!! Thank you for posting the template. I've never seen anyone make their own psychic paper. Now I can make one for my Doctor for Dragon*Con. Thank you!!! :love
You can also write whatever you want on cards cut to the right size and the paper can say anything you want it to when you flip it open. If you're good at slight of hand, you might actually be able to freak some people out.
Well, I am very impressed...having received one of these for Christmas...again thank you!

OH MY GOD. I am such an idiot. Watching Who for YEARS and *never* did I realize that when the Doctor (mostly noticed with Tennant) would hold up the little leather wallet/ID badge thing to people asking questions, it was the psychic paper. I thought the people were just reacting to the blank "badge" because they were slow.

(Yes, I'd seen the psychic paper in other uses, but somehow I didn't connect that it was one and the same! I'm a bad fan.)
Always thought this prop would be cool with a lenticular picture in it so you could have a multitude of I.Ds change places 'in front of your very eyes'.
I had a problem with printing. I kept re-sizing it to make the correct sized wallet, but the large rectangle keeps coming out too tall and too thin. Any ideas on what to do?