Doctor Who - Gadgets and Contraptions: The Mirror Matcher

Organic Mechanic at TARDIS Builders has identified the knob on the central dial, it has been taken from a Cambridge Extensometer:


Only thanks to the great shots you got of the text on the item. :thumbsup
Time for another update! With the layers glued together (I ran out of UHU so had to pop out for more!!) I can finally start plastering it up.

Unfortunately, because I'm an idiot, I didn't make the sloped area layers into steps (so I'd use less polyfill) so I've had to start filling in most of the gap with hot glue (only thing I had to hand).


With the glue dry, it was time for the polyfilling. I did consider car body filler but worried that was too expensive, so went to Homebase and had a look at their wall filler, I found a fine detail filler in a squeezable tube that could work. Back at home I slapped it on...


And found that I hadn't quite filled out the gaps with glue enough so I had large areas of polyfill - this will take some time to dry!


No picture for the next day (today) but the polyfill has dried rather nicely. Wondering whether I should sand down to apply another layer or just add it on top (any ideas?) and as soon as its all covered, sanding back begin and the first coat of primer...

It doesn't look quite as nice as Risu's but then again I'm not an expert at this..
Copied and pasted from another forum, update from a few days ago...

Well I sanded it down for another layer, I did think that was the best next step but for a second while typing I had that idiot moment. Anyway, here it is another another sand..


I had contemplated another layer but I didn't want to make this project drag out longer, plus my sanding ability isn't great. Its still alittle rough but I'm hoping the fibreglass process makes the really little imperfections disappear!! So I'm just gonna paint it till I can pop by the workshop.


And there it is - bit rough round the edges - still. I'll see what the workshop guys think before I bother putting more filler on it.

On a side note, in my quest to work out the best way of constructing these:

I found two of these in Poundland.:

They DID look close enough to me but on reflection the real prop's LEDs are closer together but I wanted to get something together that was 1) pre-wired and 2) shelf-bought. I'll be only taking out the LED unit and will construct the rest of the surround myself. So! Off with its case!


I'll throw the black bit (the holdings for 3x AAA batteries) and stick the unit into some form of cylinder before wrapping with a bigger brass clamp.

Next Time... Fibreglass!! (unless some kind soul wants to do it for me! ;))
I got excited for a second there, but unfortunately that's not it. The shape around the collar is different and they're quite a bit larger than the studs on the prop. Those ones are 10 mm in diameter at most, probably smaller.
I got excited for a second there, but unfortunately that's not it. The shape around the collar is different and they're quite a bit larger than the studs on the prop. Those ones are 10 mm in diameter at most, probably smaller.

Well the important bit to me is that we know what they are - at least it wasn't obvious to me at the beginning. I'm sure there are lots of these with various collars...
Looks like I missed your response. I had previously assumed they were collar studs, and I still think they are. I haven't seen that exact shape for sale anywhere, but I've found very similar ones.
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