Doctor Who - Gadgets and Contraptions: The Mirror Matcher

I still don't think that's the way to go. Gas mask hoses look much better, they have a closer silhouette and they're actually covered in fabric. I think the correct green ones are Nazi German and theonly ones I've found were about $500 for the whole mask, but you can find the British version in grey pretty easily. Some fabric paint or even dye would do the trick. If I can manage to sell my Armani Tennant tie I'm going to use the funds to get as many of the parts as I can for this.
Well what I'm saying is that the Scott hose is nowhere near accurate, the ribs are way too rigid and narrow. Run an ebay search for gas mask hose and you should find a bunch of grey fabric ones that have the wider ribs and an obvious weave to them. The ribs aren't squashed together as tightly as they should be, but it's the closest I've seen.
Each to their own I guess!

I'm leaning more towards the Aviation hose because the gas mask hose looks like it cannot be found at the length for the prop (I guess you could count the ribs but there'd be no point doing that). The brass pipe clamps don't look like they are covering a gap between two or three sections.

But either way, only we will notice it isn't 100% accurate :)
From the scaling I did I think the gas mask hoses would be JUST long enough. It is a slight risk, but it's one I'm willing to take.

Btw speaking of those clamps, did you ever track down the place that sells them? I'd really like to get a set before they disappear to wherever all the stuff the Who people like to put on screen disappears to.
Btw speaking of those clamps, did you ever track down the place that sells them? I'd really like to get a set before they disappear to wherever all the stuff the Who people like to put on screen disappears to.

I did actually! Check out RJ Pryce & Co Ltd for the clamps

Good price compared to other retailers, they are another 50-60p (cents?) more!
Yes! I'm so psyched to build this thing! Now I just have to take care of the funds... Btw, is it cool if I post my build progress here, or would you prefer I start a new thread?

Also, the 42 mm sizing on that, am I correct in believing that's the ID of the clamp, and not some kind of total dimension including the bolts?
Yes! I'm so psyched to build this thing! Now I just have to take care of the funds... Btw, is it cool if I post my build progress here, or would you prefer I start a new thread?

Please feel welcome to post here.

Also, the 42 mm sizing on that, am I correct in believing that's the ID of the clamp, and not some kind of total dimension including the bolts?

No, you're correct, that's the internal diameter (diagram here from a different seller)
Cool, thanks! So I won't buy these until I have the hose in hand to make sure I'm getting the right size, but it's probably safe to assume the 42 is the correct size, but what do you think for the ones holding the lights? There are two larger sizes, I'm not really sure which one would be better.
but what do you think for the ones holding the lights? There are two larger sizes, I'm not really sure which one would be better.

I had originally decided they were the same size, but now that you've questioned it, I see they are a tad bigger! lol

I think they will be the biggest, so 67mm

but I'm going to do some scaling with a few screengrabs based on dimensions I do know and see if I'm right (I doubt it!)
Yea, I'm also going to see if I can find some lights at the local dollar stores and if I find some I'll take their size into account when picking the clamp size.

I noticed when I was over in London that the correct mirror was only on some of the buses, I assume there are several different models in use. None of them had the raised bumps on the reflective surface, though. That detail isn't the biggest deal though, so long as I can find the mirror. I had a look on ebay and came up empty handed. Is there a type of place you'd be able to find double decker bus parts over there, like a scrap yard?
And to follow that up... yes I believe the light clamps are the 67mm

I took a screengrab of a close up of the lights and have assumed the LEDs are 8mm and just worked out the dimensions of the lines around them.

Rough but is a good starting point... I guess
OK, I'm moving along with the build now. I ordered a couple of the grey hoses on ebay yesterday, but now I'm a little worried they might be a little too wide. I've scaled the whole prop now based on the width of the button stand on Matt's shirt (1" exactly) and I got 7" wide for the circular section of the main brass body, which makes the pipe rings used the 28 mm version for the front plate and hoses and the 42 mm for the lights. I was really surprised by that, so I checked again and again, and that's all I could come up with. All of the measurements work out perfectly that way. Also, if the rings were even one size up, the prop would look MUCH larger and cover up more of the body. On the bright side, the rings are cheaper since it's only the small ones. A total of just over 6 pounds/$10 not including shipping or VAT. I don't know the exact size of the hoses I bought, but I doubt they're only 1 1/8" wide. Probably closer to 1 3/8". I'll just have to wait and see. I've made a template forthe brass body in photoshop and I'm planning on making a master out of some foam and styrene, then molding it. If the process works out I can pull a couple extra hollow casts for anybody who wants one. This weekend I'm going to scour a local junkyard for a close enough side view mirror. I'm not going to take any more steps until I receive the hoses, I'll post again when I do.
Well thats a starting on measurements then!

I was originally working on the front clamp ring being 32mm

but had since been dabbling with iPhotoMeasure to get a decent measurement out of an image, no luck as yet, what with feet and metres (argh!)

OK, I'm moving along with the build now. I ordered a couple of the grey hoses on ebay yesterday, but now I'm a little worried they might be a little too wide. I've scaled the whole prop now based on the width of the button stand on Matt's shirt (1" exactly) and I got 7" wide for the circular section of the main brass body, which makes the pipe rings used the 28 mm version for the front plate and hoses and the 42 mm for the lights. I was really surprised by that, so I checked again and again, and that's all I could come up with. All of the measurements work out perfectly that way. Also, if the rings were even one size up, the prop would look MUCH larger and cover up more of the body. On the bright side, the rings are cheaper since it's only the small ones. A total of just over 6 pounds/$10 not including shipping or VAT. I don't know the exact size of the hoses I bought, but I doubt they're only 1 1/8" wide. Probably closer to 1 3/8". I'll just have to wait and see. I've made a template forthe brass body in photoshop and I'm planning on making a master out of some foam and styrene, then molding it. If the process works out I can pull a couple extra hollow casts for anybody who wants one. This weekend I'm going to scour a local junkyard for a close enough side view mirror. I'm not going to take any more steps until I receive the hoses, I'll post again when I do.
Steve Ricks posted up a ton of pictures from his trip to the Experience on his blog here:

Making My 11th Doctor Costume: Doctor Who Experience preview

There were a couple of the mirror matcher on display, so I cropped some bits out. One is the piece at the center of the plate that holds the whole thing together and the second is the 3-LED flashlight doohickey.



Hopefully these close ups can help identify them.
I'm still waiting for my hoses to come in the mail and it's nearly impossible to get pink foam to sculpt the central hub out of, so I'm kind of stuck. I decided I'd have a go at finding the bike handle bars while I wait. I've been over all of ebay and spent about an hour going through Google and a few other sites and I've had no luck whatsoever finding the right bar OR grips. I know for a fact that the bike I had in probably '98 or '99 had grips that were almost identical to these, but I can't find anything even close online. The bar isn't such a big deal, I can buy a straight one and have a local metal shop bend it to the right shape, but the grips need to be a good match. Any recommendations?
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