Doctor Who 11th Doctor Shirt Pattern development thread.

Darth Mule

Sr Member
Hello all. Welcome to my first Photoshop fabric printing pattern project. The 11th Doctor's shirt pattern. For those not familiar it is the shirt pictured here:


This is still a work in progress, but once this is done I will make the patterns available through Spoonflower.

Someone asked me if I would charge for the patterns, and the answer is "sort of."

When you order some of this pattern through Spoonflower, I will get a small kickback of 10% of the purchase price once you have received and approved your fabric. Of course, if you really want to give an extra thank you, I will be happy to take donations at

Right now I have finished the blue background and cuff and think I have the color the way I want it. The red background is done, though I may tweak the color further and still have yet to do the cuff. Here's some images:



As this is a development thread I am still taking input on the pieces. I plan on ordering swatches early next week. At that point I will only be doing any changes that are related to the difference between screen and print.

Let me know what you all think.
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You should edit the burgundy cuff pattern into the first post too so people can see that.

I'll be interested to see the photos of the fabric swatches when that arrives to see if the size and color of the pattern need slightly changing. Either way it looks great to me. Good job :thumbsup

Subscribing to this thread :D
Looks pretty good for now, I don't think you can make any changes until you've got the swatches and compare them in person to the originals to match color. Otherwise it's just anybody's guess if they're accurate. I was going to do exactly what you're doing, but I changed my mind because spoonflower's print quality (and basically any other company's) is sub par.
Looks pretty good for now, I don't think you can make any changes until you've got the swatches and compare them in person to the originals to match color. Otherwise it's just anybody's guess if they're accurate. I was going to do exactly what you're doing, but I changed my mind because spoonflower's print quality (and basically any other company's) is sub par.

I've always wondered about their print quality. I suppose with it being the best option there's not much else can be done. Plus it seems that chances of finding an actual shirt are slim to none, unfortunately.

Let's see how the fabric swatches look. Might actually be pretty good.
I turned my attention to helping Magnoli get it just right instead. He can actually have fabric professionally printed to match the original PS shirts, so my money's on him.
You should edit the burgundy cuff pattern into the first post too so people can see that.

I'll be interested to see the photos of the fabric swatches when that arrives to see if the size and color of the pattern need slightly changing. Either way it looks great to me. Good job :thumbsup

Subscribing to this thread :D

The burgundy I will edit in when I finish it, which may not be for until next week.

The sizing should be pretty dead on. The color looks right on screen and is actually eyedroppered from High Res pics, but may look different in real life, so its the one thing I'm concerned about.

Looks pretty good for now, I don't think you can make any changes until you've got the swatches and compare them in person to the originals to match color. Otherwise it's just anybody's guess if they're accurate. I was going to do exactly what you're doing, but I changed my mind because spoonflower's print quality (and basically any other company's) is sub par.

I'm kind of counting on the print not being perfect, as there seems to be some splotchiness to the real pattern and I'm counting on Spoonflower to add that to mine.

I turned my attention to helping Magnoli get it just right instead. He can actually have fabric professionally printed to match the original PS shirts, so my money's on him.

You'll probably end up getting the same result either way. Doubtful that Indy's folks print any better than Spoonflower. The digital fabric printing just isn't that spectacular up close. That's why its so cheap. When I worked on Broadway we would get our stuff printed at one of the top print and dye shops in the world and their digital printing was also "sub-par." And they had top of the line equipment... Its just the nature of the beast. Now he may have access to some other printing methods, but they will likely be more expensive and, in my opinion, unnecessary. This particular pattern lends itself to be well suited for the flaws in the digital printing to add to its character.

Also. I don't know if its your intention or not Risu, but your posts often come off as borderline insulting. The last one, for instance, read like: "I'm helping Indy because he's better than you and everyone else, so you should just give up now."
If it is not your intention, you may want to proofread them before posting.
No, that's apparently how all my posts come off, it's not my intention. I think it's just because there's no fun left in Who anymore, any discussion about it just aggravates me. I'm dropping out of the discussions from now on. I don't think I have anything of value left to offer on the subject, at least not anything I care enough about to risk making more enemies, and I'm pretty much on the outs with everybody at the moment, so it's time for a break. Best of luck on your patterns.

By the way, just to be clear, you're not to blame, I've been just about fed up with this stuff for weeks.
I'm pretty much on the outs with everybody at the moment.

You know I love you broseph.

I hear you that the debates do get out of hand a lot of the time and at the end of the day it shouldn't. We should all be pooling our resources and helping each other out (like yourself, Nick and I did in the TJOIT thread). That thread to me was fun. If all Who threads turned out like that one it'd be great. We all need to stop arguing and pool what resources and facts we do know to get the best quality replicas we can, cause at the end of the day, that's what it's all about.

As for the Magnoli shirt, I did wonder if he'd be making one after seeing his early Smith jacket. I'll be pretty interested in seeing that too. I'll be just as interested in seeing DMs swatches too though. If the DM swatches are good quality then I'll just go for that and have someone make the shirt instead.
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No worries mate. You've been very helpful in not letting me get away with a "good enough" pattern. Your early critiques in the other thread helped push me to examine the original pattern more closely.

Just wanted to clear the air there. Some of your critiques came off almost defensive, like you were insulted that anyone would take this on other than Indy or Steve. I didn't take this project on to step on anyone's toes. I just wanted to do the costume and I needed a shirt pattern, so I decided I'd share the spoils. As a professional theatrical costumer by trade, its almost a point of pride that I don't usually pay people to build be a garment that I could build as well if not better, so this was a no brainer for me.

That being said... Back to the thread. (No, I didn't mean for that to rhyme)

As soon as I get this cuff pattern finished I'll order up some swatches and see how it looks in real life.
Updated with the finished Red Cuff pattern. Red has been color corrected a bit too.

Will order swatches this week and will hopefully have something to show soon.
Those patterns look great, Darth Mule! I really appreciate you taking the time to make these. Even though I'll probably never make my own shirt, it's nice to know I have the resources to do so! :lol

Can't wait to see those swatches and once again great job.
The left seems more brownish and I like the right more. So, the right one is the right one!

I'd say the one on the left is closer. The one on the right seems way too pink to me. All shots I've seen of the shirt show it closer to the one on the left, maybe lighten it up ever so slightly.
Wow, I haven't ordered anything from them in a while, but that's insane. I've never had to wait more than a week.