Doctor Strange

slashfilm: They are showing a clip from Doctor Strange. The first time Steven Strange meets the ancient one. won't be online

On board, of course. Visuals look delightfully psychedelic. The wifi password joke at the end kind of felt out of place though. I totally expect some of that humour throughout, it's MCU and the material opens it up for levity, it was just most of the tone was serious and mythic and grandiose which was awesome, and then...bleh.

Looking forward to it!
Really interested in this. The looks of the spells look as i hoped it would but the other stuff i wasnt that much of a fan (reffering to the inception stuff)
This looks really interesting. I'm not really up on Dr. Strange comic book lore. I only read him when he quest starred in other books, always hated the hokey way he talked, but that's just me. I had the same problem with Thor comic books.
Marvel Studios Inception

Looks fun but also pretty weird. I'm guessing Strange will play a part in Infinity Wars?

Yep. I don't know what the role will be, some think it'll be iron-man-esque, as RDJ is leaving the franchise I thought.
Yep. I don't know what the role will be, some think it'll be iron-man-esque, as RDJ is leaving the franchise I thought.
Well there's nothing "iron-manesque" about Dr. Strange - not in the slightest, by any stretch of the imagination. If/when RDJ leaves that will simply change the direction and tone of the MCU. Marvel is smart enough to let the MCU evolve and grow organically instead of trying to repeat a formula over and over again. So while RDJ/Iron Man heralded the MCU age the MCU doesn't revolve around that character.
Yep. I don't know what the role will be, some think it'll be iron-man-esque, as RDJ is leaving the franchise I thought.

It's speculated on by outside sources due to the fact that they don't see them all doing it forever. RDJ is in his 50's now (though barely) so there will come a time. He's in Spiderman and IW and has even recently commented he'd be interested in IM4.
Ahh ok. Got it. I wouldn't mind more Tony Stark tbh, he's grown a lot in character. To me that is.

There are also a few people who would like to see this happen. I wouldn't mind :lol



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