Doctor Strange (Post-release)

I'm tempted to go & see it again in

I liked the movie very much.

Random notes:

I thought I'd be bothered by the kaleidoscopic effect but it absolutely felt appropriate. It made sense for the mirror dimension.

Some folks can't get over the comparison to Inception. Keep in mind that Strange wasn't all about bending cityscapes. Even more important were magical shields and weapons as well as astral battles, portals, timeflipping reference frames and vast Ditko-esque landscapes. And yet some folks just see bendy buildings and are quick to call out Inception forgetting about everything else.

Cumberbatch - when they first announced him I thought the casting was spot-on - but then I started to worry that it was such an obvious choice he might not bring anything surprising to the role. Now that I've seen the film I can't imagine anybody else in the part. I can't say enough about his performance and I don't know where to begin.

Tilde Swinton - From the trailers I was afraid I might be distracted by her weird androgyny but her performance was so engaging, delicate and poignant it didn't matter.

Chiwetel Ejiofor - I was actually expecting more depth from his character. I didn't like that he was a master yet he seemed more like Strange's sidekick during the action. I was hoping he'd at least have even a tiny narrative (well, he did but that was in the after credit scene).

Rachel McAdams - folks have complained that she takes a back seat as the doting girlfriend cheerleader. I didn't think so. It may have even been written that way but McAdams is able to elevate every scene she's in. I think it simply hints at further development in future films. I'm also glad they didn't overplay the significance of Strange's wristwatch. One shot of the engraving and done.

Strange's training seemed to happen fast. I don't think it's about the minutes the film spent in Kamar-Taj - It's possible to convey great passage of time in just a few shots.

When they said the visuals were going to be true to the spirit of the comics that was a tall order. I think they knocked it out of the park and showed us only the tip of the iceberg. With the comics serving as breathing storyboards we're in for a lot of amazing films and even more unbelievable experiences.

I read one writer online last month who laughably predicted this could be a flop for Marvel. At least part of his argument was that DS was being released in proximity to the new Harry Potter film. That argument is dumb on so many levels. HP's mythos is simply the stuff of whimsy whose formula got tired for me somewhere in the first act of the first film. Anyone who knows the Dr. Strange comics would understand that comparing HP's mythos to Strange' is like comparing Rambo to Lawrence of Arabia.
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Tilde Swinton - From the trailers I was afraid I might be distracted by her weird androgyny but her performance was so engaging, delicate and poignant it didn't matter.

I want very much to write a story with Tilda Swinton in mind now. She was amazing. So powerful, yet at times so delicate and vulnerable... I loved her in every scene.
I admit I'm not a comic book fan and don't know the mythos behind DS. What is the story with his watch?
I loved the attitude of his cape, I guess it "acts" like that in the comics as well?
The part I hated the most was the destruction of the Huracan!!
I admit I'm not a comic book fan and don't know the mythos behind DS. What is the story with his watch?
I loved the attitude of his cape, I guess it "acts" like that in the comics as well?
The part I hated the most was the destruction of the Huracan!!
There's no watch in the comics.
Im just glad they didn't do that cliché of having him somehow saved by the watch at the climax of the film.
I usually don't watch things in 3D but my friend suggested I see it in 3D and it was totally worth it, especially during the first "trip" and the whole city bending sequence. After Civil War it felt nice to have a Marvel movie that was relatively self contained, I didn't feel like I was missing out on too much having no real previous knowledge of Doctor Strange comics before seeing it.
I have never really liked Dr. Strange in any of his other encounters on the small screen or comics really. I am also not a very big Cumberbatch fan. However I found this movie to be enjoyable and I like how they injected just enough humor into it to lighten the tone at times.
When The Ancient One showed Strange the chakra diagram I was so relieved he didn't say, "what's that?" which would be her cue to give us a blurb on chakras.
Most real people (and especially an educated person like Strange) will have encountered the diagram and before. I hate it when movies treat us like dummies. This movie didn't.
Since Doctor Strange and Agents of Shield are in the same shared universe...I wonder if Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider can sense/feel/touch/kill sorcerers from Kamar-Taj when they're spirits leave their bodies(Ancient One, Mordo, Strange, & Kaecilius)?

What do you guys think?
Since Doctor Strange and Agents of Shield are in the same shared universe...I wonder if Robbie Reyes/Ghost Rider can sense/feel/touch/kill sorcerers from Kamar-Taj when they're spirits leave their bodies(Ancient One, Mordo, Strange, & Kaecilius)?

What do you guys think?

Probably. Of course, he’d have to be in proximity to them and since sorcerers are pretty uncommon (at least that’s the impression I got from the movie), it seems unlikely he’d get the chance to try it out.
I thought the story was ok but the visuals were absolutely amazing. I was wondering if he would put on gloves in the movie then bam!
From all I've seen, I'd love to be in a room with both Tilda and Benedict. Those two seem to have amazing fun when playing games. The Jenga Q&A was very fun to watch, especially the end :lol
Just saw it. Good solid flick.

Too bad it didn't come out 25 years ago when I was still enjoying mind altering drugs! 'Cause this movie is a trip!!:lol
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