Doctor Octopus WIP


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I like the way you think, i think those would give it an incredible look. Unfortunately the examples you showed are hard sells. They're to short for the length of my arms, and the pricing is a little high. I think you're on the right track, i just need to shop around on them and see if any accommodate better.
I think i stumbled upon the best solution for my build while watching a tutorial another talented crafter did.

She ended up molding her tentacle segments and cast them in expanding foam. Now while i don't want an exact movie duplicate look, i do want mine to feel more three dimensional. This method will allow me to custom make the segments to my own personal design while staying lightweight.
The only issue with this is my utter lack of experience in casting and molding. Willing to learn, but it will be an interesting little venture.
A quick template i made to give you the idea of what i'm after. More circular then the triangle shape the movie goes with. I still want a mostly circular shape for the tentacles with a slight outcropping to add the outer layer of tubing. Anyway the template needs some fine tuning and but this gives you the general idea, i may need to resize it.

A little update for everyone, after fighting my ocd and indecisive nature I've finally landed on a template for my tentacles. Should order molding supplies sometime within the next week and get my hands dirty with a new experience.

Here's a few pics for sample shape/size/thickness

I've made some pretty good progress, finished making my mold and am now ready to start casting my segments. Just waiting for the funds to order my smooth on foam. Things will get interesting soon :) uploadfromtaptalk1403403798552.jpguploadfromtaptalk1403403827825.jpguploadfromtaptalk1403403833820.jpg

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Not terribly, the Alice pack helps to negate and spread out most the weight I'd guess maybe ten pounds right now, but I barely feel it wearing it.

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Nice to see Doc OC getting his props. Best of luck to you, looks like you got a good go of it so far. I for one am excited to see your progress....
Thanks, ideally I should be done within another month or so. Casting all 100 some segments and painting will take a bit

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These just arrived for me, for $8 in amazed at the quality of these sunglasses. I think they'll make for excellent dock glasses and maybe a Hugo strange on occasion.


I should get to start working on the armor half of this project soon. First thing will be to make a template out of foam. Afterwards I want to make something more solid with either syntra or worbla.

After some unfortunate car trouble the foam for my segments will have to wait, but as that is mostly busy work I'm fine to put it off.
Glad to see it is coming along hope your car is ok. Did you get tickets to the CON. I know the weekend pass pre sails sold out. I am rooting for you. If you pull off any thing close to that YouTube video you will give us all a run for our monny at the costume contest.
Car has been remedied, but it exhausted all my con funds. I need to focus on rebuilding my finances right now, so sadly both the costume and con will be out on hold. Chicago will be out of the question, but I'm confident I can have it ready in time for Grand Rapids Comic-Con in October. It's a recently developed local con, but it's growing quickly.

The segments are all planned out, just need to do the busy work. The armor will take some more creative design, but I've got a good picture in my head of how I want it to sit. Will be very reminiscent of the bulky 90s set up with a more realistic approach. uploadfromtaptalk1404509759559.jpg
Well finally back on track after a long month. Finances are in good shape and I've got three months before my target con. I've spent most this last month planning and laying out templates. Time to do the busy work and fabricate the costume.

The current state of things, I'll be buying sintra to layer over the base. Shape it into a backpack of sorts.

I've modified some boba fett armor to use as a armor template that will also be fabricated from pvc board. (Any source recommendations for sintra are welcome.) I feel this will make it a little unique while still paying tribute to the bulky 90's cartoon look. This will all attach to a green flight suit/coverall

And of course for the tentacles, I've got my mold ready to go. I'll have to knock out probably around 100 or so of these little guys, this will be the time consuming part. Each tentacle will have four pipes drawing through, the large one for stability, and three smaller pipes around where the segment protrudes out. uploadfromtaptalk1407613522904.jpg

Tentacle hands... still a work in progress. Haven't decide what look i want to use yet, or if i want to incorporate LEDs.
I'd love to incorporate LEDs, it will just depend on time frame and pricing.

Where you from chaz? Any chance we could get you to join us for the grand rapids comic Con?
Update time :)

Armor is well under way, went far smoother than i anticipated. I just need my jump suit and that will all come together. I can paint it up in the mean time. uploadfromtaptalk1409276355609.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409276362604.jpg

The shell for my backpack came together alright, but it's going to need some tweaking. Essentially i need a way to fill and hide the seams where a few corners meet. As well as some fabrication tweaks to hide my pack properly underneath the shell. uploadfromtaptalk1409276491253.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409276501982.jpguploadfromtaptalk1409276517003.jpg

The pack extends just a wee bit out to far for my liking. My current thought is to just add on an apron of sorts around the base. Should work to overlap the seams and I'll just make it long enough to cover the pack extrusions. If done correctly i could play it off as a continuation of the front armor by having it meet up at the shoulders.

When i have a second pair of hands available I'll get a shot of me wearing it. Showcase the points I'm looking to really address.
Well I'm sorry to say this project has pretty much been shelved until next year. The Con I had intended to showcase this at is in less than two months. Not nearly enough time to get everything ready and prepared. To top it off I was just not happy with how everything was coming together, I've decided to back up a bit and hit the planning stages again.

At the moment I"m still pretty happy with the armeture setup, it's strong,reliable, and not to heavy. I need to take a step back and and tackle the tentacles from a different angle. The project is by no means abandoned, but I won't likely get back to it until about January. I've got to focus my time and resources into rushing another costume together in time to hit my Con Deadline.

If you'd like to follow that one in the meantime here's a link

Hopefully I don't run into nearly as many Snags With Mr. Freeze
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