Disgusting Creatures...Show off your Jawa!

Ok, kinda odd me starting this thread with nothing to show, but 8 years ago (WOW, 8 years went fast!) when I joined the RPF This was one of my first projects. I ended up selling it in parts before I finished, but found the PVC Mannequin today in the garage and thought it would be fun to start up again.

So with all that said, please share your Jawa and a little background on him. I've searched some old threads and most are dead links to pics so let's do it again!
I made one years back, but he was killed when Stormtroopers burnt my house down.. :cry But here are some useful links I used:




That first link is great. It's exactly how mine was started so many years ago. I used the kids rubber boots wrapped in fabric strips too.

As of now all I have left is the mannequin with boots and a styrofoam head. Wish I could find the robes, but they were fairly straight forward too...

Aside from the bandoliers and choice of weapon, you can build this guy for about $50 and be fairly accurate.
Here's my daughter's.

- Egyptian cotton blanket for the robes, dyed myself.

- Halloween store hockey mask for the base of the mask, wrapped in black material and black fur to give an actual appearance of something under the hood besides just a plain hood.

- Antique ammo pouches

- fur on the back of the hands as seen in the scene when the Jawas are rubbing the hood of the landspeeder in Mos Eisley.

- Wrapped boots

- Micro welder



Beechy McFly, thats the first circuit diagram i've understood! lol.

Thats great, i wish all electronic diagrams were like this. just messing with electronics at the moment in my pulse rifle.
Here's my daughter's.

- Egyptian cotton blanket for the robes, dyed myself.

- Halloween store hockey mask for the base of the mask, wrapped in black material and black fur to give an actual appearance of something under the hood besides just a plain hood.

- Antique ammo pouches

- fur on the back of the hands as seen in the scene when the Jawas are rubbing the hood of the landspeeder in Mos Eisley.

- Wrapped boots

- Micro welder




That came out great!:)
Very nice!!!

I´m in the process of building one myself and wondering what height to go with?...any recommendations?

Currently I´m thinking close to 1,30m from head to toe would be a good size for the mannequin.

Markus, I think your height seems right on to me. I wouldn't go smaller.

Many years back I made a few jawas. I remember hunting for that woven fabric for YEARS. I eventually found a roll in the clearance section of a JoAnne fabric and bought it on the spot! Some time later, the Ralph Lauren blankets came on the scene, making it much easier. Are those blankets still around? That was a great find.

Here are some pics of the ones I made. IIRC, I was trying to create two unique ANH styles and 1 ROTJ look. For ROTJ I did the round, higher placed eyes, larger (and more "shaped") head and lighter robe.

The lower-placed, "squinty" gaffer-taped eyes was key for the ANH look (IMO) and I love the "boer war" bandolier (only one like that I was ever able to find!), which actually seems to be more used in the film than the enfield type.

Hairy hands for ANH are a must and I tried to vary the shape of the hoods as well. The one who shoots R2 had a great "snorkel" look to him.

I had one (ok, technically, still have), but the robe is falling apart. First, I can't sew for jack. I can fix some socks and jeans, but outside of repair work - nada.

I used the RL herringbone blanket, dyed brown and tried to make and sew a pattern. The damn thing just falls apart because the fibers are loose, once you cut them. How are you supposed to sew them toghether when the part that you sewed, pulls away from the rest? And I could never get any rigidity in the hood. It just flops there.

On the other hand, I do have a blaster made from a real enfield and grenade cup. I also have real Swiss ammo pouches as well as a real, German 3 mag ammo pouch. I also have the correct micro -welder and a fan-made restraining bolt. I made a holster / bandolier from leather, myself. That turned out a-ok. And the manequin is in pretty good shape and even has poseable hands.

Anyone have tips for making the robe, correctly?

Nice pics Tom! Can't beat a Wampa brand Jawa! :lol Never seen a Boar War bandolier before, or never noticed till now anyway. Very nice.

Gigatron- I could never get my hands on the correct RL blanket, so I found a "close enough for me" substitute at WalMart. As for the sewing, maybe I got lucky but mine held up fine.. Not sure how to keep it from frayin. Maybe you could fold the cut edges on themselves, sew them and then sew all the parts into a robe?

For the hood, you have to put some wire around the front, fold the material over the wire and sew it. (Like a hem in a pair of pants..with wire in it.)

Keep the pics comin!
I had one (ok, technically, still have), but the robe is falling apart. First, I can't sew for jack. I can fix some socks and jeans, but outside of repair work - nada.

I used the RL herringbone blanket, dyed brown and tried to make and sew a pattern. The damn thing just falls apart because the fibers are loose, once you cut them. How are you supposed to sew them toghether when the part that you sewed, pulls away from the rest? And I could never get any rigidity in the hood. It just flops there.

On the other hand, I do have a blaster made from a real enfield and grenade cup. I also have real Swiss ammo pouches as well as a real, German 3 mag ammo pouch. I also have the correct micro -welder and a fan-made restraining bolt. I made a holster / bandolier from leather, myself. That turned out a-ok. And the manequin is in pretty good shape and even has poseable hands.

Anyone have tips for making the robe, correctly?


Fred, could you post some pics?
Looks great ob1al! I can't seem to find my robe from last year but I found he leftover fabric and patterns. Looks like I'll be starting it again..

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find jersey gloves around here.. :lol Knew I should bought a few pair last time..

I believe this diagram was created by Chris aka TK409. You can see it under his Do it yourself costume page. Look in the Sandtrooper section. TK409.com
Ya Need to find a template for the Ion Blaster holster.

And to make the eyes light up better and not look so big I sanded the plastic hemispheres inside and out and then Painted outside of them Gloss black leaving the center about the size of a pencil eracer unpainted.

Also I found others making guns I never saw in the movies for jawas Hummmmmm ?
Welcome to the board! lease share some pics, I'm interested in your take on the eyes.

I will post some pictures when I get back home I am making a new Jawa a partner for the 1st one. you can see some of the stuff on my website just PM me I will give you the info.
The eyes are most of the time big due to the camera lense used in the film. So I hand that in mind to fix so it would show up right. Using some of the info above and using 2 each PELICAN 1904 LAMP MODULE FOR 1900 MITYLITE FLASHLIGHT reflectors I drilled out the bulb and put the orange diodes in them I also used the (Plastic Hemispheres)toy holders with reflective tape.
Also the Plastic hemispheres I ruffed up the inside & out with sandpaper then hot glued the mitylight parts through a hole I made on the backside of the back flat part of the hemisphere.
Then I painted the hemisphere all Black but a round circle in the center a little smaller than a dime . Rand 2 to 3 feet of speaker wire to a 2AA battery Box that has a On/Off switch. I will shpw the end results
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